4th Water

Episode 4.7 - Meeting Of Two Minds


The Watership Down series belongs to Alltime and Decode Entertainment. The original characters were the work of Richard Adams, however, many of the characters in the series were changed, and these belong to Alltime/Decode. I am just borrowing the characters for this fansite, and I mean no-one any harm by this. I am in no way connected with any of the companies mentioned above.

This is supposed to be a fanfic fourth series, continuing on from my Virtual 3rd series, rather than continuing from the official series 3. It is in no way supposed to detract from the official third series. When I originally planned out my third series, I never knew of the existance of the official one. As it has never, and doesn't look as though it ever will be, aired in the UK, I decided to write an alternative series, continuing on from where series 2 (The Homecoming) left off. By the time I started 4th Water, I had an idea of what happens in some of the official third series, hence some of it (but not all) has been planned to try and avoid sounding too similar.

All characters are completely fictitious and any resemblance to any persons either living or dead is purely coincidental. If anyone has any problems with this episode, they are advised to contact the webmaster on [email protected].


Writer's notes:

Yay! The Efrafans are back this week. They're everyone's favourite it seems (and I, of course, would have to agree!).

Sorry it took so long to get this episode online. It was mainly the university's backwards network to blame. Still, better late than never. =:)

Deep in the forest, far from Watership Down.

A weasel emerged from the bushes, to find himself in a small clearing in the forest. The sun was shining from an angle, causing the trees to cast long shadows over much of the grass. He wasn't here for the scenery though. No, the sent of rabbit filled the air.

"Smells like longears!", he muttered to himself, before beginning to sniff along the line of the bushes. Suddenly, the strange sensation of being watched by pure evil shivered through his bones. He swung round to see a rabbit sat at the other side of the clearing.

It was larger than any he'd ever seen before, with silver fur and curly whiskers, both glinting in what little sunlight reached the ground. Something wasn't quite right about this rabbit though. It was staring straight at him, so had clearly seen him, yet it made no attempt to move. It just sat there, with an unnatural smile on it's face. Despite his suspicion, the Weasel couldn't pass up an opportunity such as this and began to move forward. No sooner had he done so, than he heard a savage war cry from behind him. He looked up just in time to see a large black rabbit land on top of him, after having leapt from the bushes.

Despite putting up a valiant struggle, it was all in vain. Within minutes, the lifeless body of the Weasel slumped to the ground. The Black Rabbit stood on his hind legs and laughed; the blood still dripping from his body, although nobody could tell which was his and which was the Weasel's.

"Is it gone, Cowslip?", asked another rabbit, appearing from the burrow behind the silver rabbit.

Cowslip smiled, but didn't reply. At that, a few other rabbits emerged from the burrow to join him. They soon caught sight of the Weasel and cheered.

"Seems your leg's looking a lot better, Woundwort. Perhaps you'll soon be well enough to help us find The Secret Garden of Frith.", smiled one of the other rabbits.

"Patience is a virtue to behold my friends. We wouldn't want to go at haste, for when the wind blows with haste, in invariably loses it's course.", replied Cowslip.

The other rabbits quickly disappeared back underground, melting away to try and figure out Cowslip's latest cryptic offering.

"Just when are we going to launch this attack?", growled Woundwort.

"Things will happen when they happen General. You wouldn't ask the ice when it'll come, or when the leaves will fall from the tree to ground, or if...", started Cowslip.

"Now that my leg is healed, there's nothing to stop me training these rabbits. We could be ready and off in a few frithrises.", he snarled.

"In fact, tell me why I shouldn't just kill you now, and do this all myself. I don't need you.", he continued.

"You are like a savage storm General. Full of power and energy. However without control, all storms will eventually fade away.", replied Cowslip.

Woundwort sighed. He would have attacked any other rabbit without hesitation, yet something held him back with Cowslip. Something he couldn't explain.

"It'll require intelligence as well as brute strength if you wish to retake Efrafa.", smiled Cowslip.

"Does that mean you have a plan?", questioned Woundwort.

"Everything is part of a plan in one way or another General. We're all just part of some large plan.", he replied, looking around blankly, before staring back at Woundwort, who was clearly becoming impatient.

"No, what we need General, is someone to work on your warren from the inside. To bring it down from the heart, whilst we work on the outside, until eventually we shall meet up again, like two blades of grass meeting in the open meadow.", continued Cowslip.

A smile appeared over Woundwort's normally solemn face at that point, whilst his eyes narrowed.

"I know just the rabbit!", he finished.


Deep in Efrafa

Vervain sat nursing his bloody nose, whilst Campion paced backwards and forwards nearby.

"So, what are you going to do about it. You're the one who's always going on about how 'We're all nice rabbits here. We all love one another so there's no need to fight'.", snarled Vervain, acting out a mocking version of Campion. Campion just sighed.

"I'm not going to do anything Vervain. Seeing as he only attacked when you tried to bully him.", he replied, stopping to turn to the rabbit.

"I.. I was simply moving him away from the open cover for his own safety.", pointed out Vervain.

"He was only two steps from the entrance to Efrafa, mate!", chipped in Moss.

"er...", started Vervain, realising he should have come up with a better story.

"You can never be too careful. Ahaha!", he squeaked.

"Besides which. There were sentries all around. No elil could get in without being noticed.", continued Campion.

"Are you calling me a liar?", snarled Vervain.

Campion and Moss looked at each other briefly, before looking back at Vervain.

"Yes.", replied Campion.

Vervain screwed up his face, wishing he hadn't done so as it caused him more pain.

"Fine then!", he squeaked.

"I've had just about all I can take of this warren. I'm leaving for good.", he finished, before storming off.

Campion sighed, before turning to Moss.

"So how long do you think he'll be gone this time?", he started.

"Hmm... I'd give him until Frith is directly overhead, sir.", replied Moss.


Back at Watership Down

The kittens danced around Bigwig cheerfully in the sunlight. The Owsla Captain, on the other hand, remained silent and miserable, staring out across the Down. Hazel quietly joined him.

"3 moons and still no word from Hickory.", he sighed.

"I said he just needs a bit of time. I think mentioning Cowslip's Warren really got to him, but he'll come round eventually.", replied Hazel.

"Perhaps we should go back there.", suggested Bigwig.

"We shall see...", replied Hazel

"What do you mean by that, eh?", asked Bigwig, intrigued by Hazel's vague remark.

"I sent Kehaar out to Redstone this morning. He's inviting the Redstone rabbits to a great feast on Watership Down.", continued Hazel.

"Great feast? Am I the last to be told about everything around here now?", sighed Bigwig.

"er... I haven't told anyone yet!", smiled Hazel.

"Do you think he's likely to come?", asked Bigwig.

"Now's our chance to find out.", replied Hazel, indicating towards the bird in the sky, descending at an alarming rate.

"Kehaar!", screeched the bird.

The two rabbits ducked as Kehaar crashed to the ground. He rolled for a short distance, before hopping to his feet.

"Well, is he coming?", asked Bigwig.

"No and ya. He say he come, but only if Bigwig is no here, ya!", replied Kehaar.

Bigwig hung his head miserably.

"Don't worry Bigwig. He'll realise you didn't mean it in the end. Friendships are stronger than that.", finished Hazel.

"Perhaps I should go away. Then you can all have your feast.", sighed Bigwig.

"No Bigwig. It's all or none!", finished Hazel defiantly.

"Tell me Hazel. I'm not really that bad, am I?", asked Bigwig.

"Of course you aren't. We wouldn't be alive without all you've done for us. Your discipline has reminded us that to be rabbits, we need to be vigilant. No way are you a bad rabbit.", smiled Hazel.

At that moment, Hawkbit, Dandelion and Strawberry arrived at the top of the down panting. They collapsed in a heap in front of Bigwig.

"We've been out all day training Bigwig, like you said. Now can we please have some rest.", panted Dandelion.

"Rest? Of course you can, lads.", replied Bigwig before smiling.

"Just as soon as you've finished scouting the river, and I'll be coming with you this time.", he finished, resulting in several simultaneous groans.


In the woodland near Efrafa.

Cowslip's group of rabbits moved stealthily through the woodland. Woundwort took the lead, with Cowslip and the rest following. He stopped to sniff the air.

"Still no sign of any rabbit. If Campion is chief as you say he is, he certainly hasn't listened to a word of his training. We'd have been spotted long ago if the Owsla were under my orders.", growled Woundwort, before looking back at the group.

"Well, you lot would have been anyway.", he continued.

"Who are we looking for?", asked one of the other rabbits.

"Vervain. One of the captains of my Owsla.", replied Woundwort.

"And you really think this Vervain would still be loyal to you. None of your other rabbits remained true.", replied Cowslip.

"Hah! If there's one thing I'm sure of, it's his total loyalty towards me.", snorted Woundwort.

"Really General.", questioned Cowslip, raising his eyebrow.

"Why else do you think I made him a captain in my Owsla? It certainly wasn't for his bravery and fighting prowess. He may be the most cowardly rabbit I know, but his loyalty to me knows no bounds. If I tell him to do something, by the Black Rabbit he'll do it!", finished Woundwort.

"Now you know the plan Bramble. You're to work your way into the warren. Once there, your main goal is to find some way to persuade Vervain to come out here so I can beat...um...talk some sense into him.", he ordered, turning to one of the other rabbits.

"And how do I do that?", came the reply.

"Well, use your imagination. Tell him that unless he comes here by the next round moon, his fur will burn and he'll be left to the toad-monsters. Something ridiculous like that never fails to convince him.", finished Woundwort.

The rabbit looked towards Cowslip hoping for advice. Cowslip's eyes, however, remained as phased and mysterious as the rest of his persona. Bramble sighed, before opening his mouth to speak.

"Quiet!", whispered Woundwort, still managing to deliver a threatening, forceful tone, even without shouting. The rabbits instinctively ducked for cover. Cowslip made the least attempt to hide, having always been one to conceal things with words, rather than physically hiding things.

"I hear someone approaching.", he continued.

"Pah. That Campion thinks he's so great. What does he have that I don't have...", muttered a familiar sounding voice, as a rabbit moved clumsily through the bushes. If he were trying to avoid elil, he was certainly going about it the wrong way.

"Granted he has charisma... and skill... and strength... and courage... and he's popu..... hmm, this isn't going very well is it!", sighed the voice, which Woundwort instantly identified to be Vervain.

"Forget your orders Bramble. It appears there's been a change of plan!", whispered Woundwort before laughing quietly. Vervain continued moving, oblivious to the other rabbits watching him from cover.



The Watership Owsla followed the line of the river. Bigwig, always eager when on military patrols, seemed to forget his previous misery, bounding along like a kitten, whilst avoiding attracting attention to the group. A combination of actions which few other rabbits could achieve. The 3 other Owsla rabbits, Pipkin having been left at the Down, trudged along behind wearily. Their rippled reflections in the water matched the broken and confused pictures in their minds, after not having had any sleep the previous night.

"Forgive me Bigwig, but someone's going to have to ask this.", yawned Hawkbit.

Bigwig rolled his eyes. Somehow questions from Hawkbit were not a favourite of his.

"Just what are we supposed to be looking for?", he continued.

"There's danger coming! Didn't you listen to Fiver's vision.", sighed Bigwig.

"The evil that split will reunite, a new beginning yields a new fight!", he continued, recalling Fiver's vision from several moons previously.

"I don't see anything in that about rivers.", muttered Hawkbit. He cringed and closed his eyes, expecting the usual cuffing from Bigwig, but was amazed when none came. Opening them again, he saw Bigwig sniffing the grass by the river.

"What is it Bigwig? Have you found something?", asked Strawberry.

"Rabbit tracks. There were rabbits through here recently, and quite a few of them. Something about some of the scent seems familiar, although it's not clear enough to tell.", replied Bigwig, sniffing worriedly at the ground.

"Where've they gone then?", asked Hawkbit, as the other rabbits joined him.

"It's impossible to tell. Their trail vanishes at the river. Clearly, they know what they're doing.", replied Bigwig. He surveyed the area suspiciously, looking for clues, but could see nothing out of the ordinary.

"er... do we tell Hazel about this?", asked Dandelion.

"Of course!", replied Bigwig, amazed that they'd even asked.

"Right, let's go and find him then!", shouted Hawkbit, as all 3 of them had already started running back towards home.

Bigwig sighed. He briefly considered ordering the Owsla back, but decided it wasn't worth the hassle. Instead he began to follow behind.


Near Efrafa

By now it was late afternoon. Vervain, never being one for strenous exercise, was beginning to tire under the bright rays of the sun. He'd certainly been out longer than Moss' estimate, however his legs couldn't keep going much longer. His mouth, on the other hand, never grew weary.

"...He has the power which is mine by rights.", he muttered to himself, probably repeating himself for the hundredth time.

"It's all Hazel and his outsiders' fault. I'll have my revenge though, oh yes I will.", he continued, before stumbling to the ground.

As he lifted his head to stand up, he stopped. Something was moving along the edge of the bushes.

"Wh... who's there?", squeaked Vervain, however there was no reply.

"I...I...I should warn you now, I a...am a trained Owsla captain, and c...can take on any enemy.", he continued.

Vervain's ears twitched wildly as he tried to pick out any noise.

"T...This is your last warning!", he squeaked, trying to hide the fact that he was shivering.

At that moment a gust of wind blew through the bushes. Vervain squeaked and began to run. A grey rabbit with silver curly whiskers sprung up from the bushes in front of him. Vervain let out another high-pitched squeal as he changed direction. He sound found himself to be encircled by other rabbits.

Vervain cowered to the ground with his front paws over his head.

"Pleeeease. Don't hurt me!", he pleaded, not daring to look any of them in the face. The circle broke to allow Woundwort to enter.

"Hurt you? Why should we want to do that Vervain?", he spoke gently. Somehow, the voice sounded familiar. It sounded like... no it couldn't be! Vervain's head sprung up to look upon Woundwort's great bulk towering over him. The former captain only managed another whimper before fainting from the shock.

"And this is the rabbit you say will help us? Oh how wonderfully delightful! Like dancing dew, only more colourful.", spoke Cowslip, confusing everyone as usual.


In the heart of Efrafa

Campion walked around Efrafa, surveying the scene, and ensuring everything was running smoothly. There were other things on his mind though.

"Moss!", he started, as the white rabbit approached him.

"Is he back yet?", continued Campion.

"No sir. According to the other rabbits, he hasn't been seen all day.", replied Moss.

"He should have been back by now. It doesn't normally take him this long to be frightened enough by either a fox, squirrel or his own shadow, causing him to come running back!", pointed out Campion.

"Are you complaining, sir? The warren's been peaceful all day without him about.", pointed out Moss.

"Regardless of what he may have done in the past Moss, I have a duty to all the rabbits in Efrafa. I'm not going to abandon him now, when he may be in danger.", replied Campion angrilly, surprising Moss somewhat.

"I'm sure he'll be alright, sir.", he replied.

"You'd best take a patrol and see if you can find him.", decided Campion.

"It's alright, I'll go alone sir. I don't think there'll be a big enough problem to warrant a full patrol.", replied Moss.

Campion, never wanting to allow one of his rabbits out alone in a potentially dangerous situation would have argued. Moss didn't give him the chance though, having already bolted for the exit.


Nearby in the woodland

Frith was low in the early evening sky by the time Vervain finally regained consciousness. He shakily stood up, with his eyes half closed, and rubbed his forehead.

"Ow! W.. what happened?", he muttered to himself, blinking as he looked towards the red sky.

"So, you're finally awake again!", spoke a loud voice. Vervain strained his eyes, and gradually focussed on the outline of Woundwort.

"N...No. I... It can't be you!", he squeaked, stepping backwards.

"Oh, it very much is Vervain.", replied Woundwort.

"B...but you're dead!", he squeaked, shaking in terror.

"Do I look dead to you Vervain?", replied Woundwort.

Vervain paused. Woundwort had always looked dead at the best of times, although obviously no rabbit ever dared to say such a thing.

"Well, do I?", he shouted, stepping forward.

"No, sir! No!", squeaked Vervain. How he could so comfortably achieve such a high-pitched voice, nobody knew.

Woundwort stepped closer.

"You betrayed me Vervain.", he shouted.

"I...I didn't sir. I..it was all Campion sir!", squeaked Vervain frantically.

"So the rumours about his survival are true.", sighed Woundwort.

"Y..yes sir. It was him who warned the Outsiders of your attack sir! It was him who caused your death...", replied Vervain, quickly realising the foolishness of what he'd just said.

"And why should I believe a word you say?", growled Woundwort.

"Pleeease sir. You have to believe me, sir! I'd always remain loyal to you sir! I'd follow you into the lair of the Black Rabbit of Inlé!", replied Vervain.

Judging by how Vervain could barely follow someone into a dark forest due to his cowardly nature, Woundwort somehow doubted that last statement was entirely true. He didn't say as much though.

"Prove it then Vervain!", he smiled evilly.

"Sir?", replied Vervain perplexedly.

"If you're truly as loyal as you say you are, you'll do anything I tell you.", continued Woundwort.

"Anything General! Anything!!", shouted Vervain.

Woundwort laughed before beginning to explain the whole plan to Vervain. Vervain, not daring to do anything else, listened carefully without saying a word as Woundwort explained how he was to secretly undermine Campion's leadership.

"S... so let me get this straight then sir. You want me to do try and destroy Campion's rule. He could have banished me from the warren, yet he allowed me to stay there, and now you want me to turn against him?", asked Vervain, as Woundwort finished.

"Yes!", replied the General.

"Ahahahaa! Leave it to me sir!", laughed Vervain excitedly!

He was interrupted by Moss' voice ringing through the words.

"Vervain! Where are you!", he shouted.

"What's he doing out here? Campion must have sent him.", whispered Vervain.

"Well, go to him. Our work here is done. If there's anything to report, we shall meet here.", finished Woundwort.

"Yes sir!", replied Vervain, moving off.

"Oh, and one more thing Vervain!", Woundwort called after him.

"Y..yes?", hesitated Vervain.

"If you mess this up Vervain, I'm going to tear you to pieces.", smiled Woundwort. Vervain laughed nervously, as Woundwort disappeared with Cowslip and the other rabbits into cover.

"There you are, mate. Campion-rah's been looking for you!", shouted Moss, coming into view.

"er... I was... just on my way back now Moss.", replied Vervain.

"I said you'd be alright, but you know Campion mate. He's worries about all the Efrafan rabbits... even if it is you!", pointed out Moss.

"I suppose it's what makes him such a great leader. One who'll last for all times.", he finished, already heading back.

Vervain laughed to himself as he followed. Somehow, he had a suspicion that wouldn't be true. Whereas the red sky gave Moss' fur a pink tint, Vervain's remained unchanged; still as black as his heart.


Ah, glad to have that episode online at last. Hopefully I should be sorted out by the next episode, and it'll go up on the correct day. Not sure how it'll fit in with the university timetable at the moment, but I'll soon find out.

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