4th Water

Episode 4.9 - Darkened Love


The Watership Down series belongs to Alltime and Decode Entertainment. The original characters were the work of Richard Adams, however, many of the characters in the series were changed, and these belong to Alltime/Decode. I am just borrowing the characters for this fansite, and I mean no-one any harm by this. I am in no way connected with any of the companies mentioned above.

This is supposed to be a fanfic fourth series, continuing on from my Virtual 3rd series, rather than continuing from the official series 3. It is in no way supposed to detract from the official third series. When I originally planned out my third series, I never knew of the existance of the official one. As it has never, and doesn't look as though it ever will be, aired in the UK, I decided to write an alternative series, continuing on from where series 2 (The Homecoming) left off. By the time I started 4th Water, I had an idea of what happens in some of the official third series, hence some of it (but not all) has been planned to try and avoid sounding too similar.

All characters are completely fictitious and any resemblance to any persons either living or dead is purely coincidental. If anyone has any problems with this episode, they are advised to contact the webmaster on [email protected].


Writer's notes:

Hmm... well, despite seriously considering changing the direction of the plans after the response to the last episode, I finally decided to stick with what I'd originally decided to do. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? Well, you'll soon find out!

*Entei-rah constructs a large wall to protect himself from angry readers throwing objects at him.* =;)

On the down

Pinecone and Gillia ran cheerfully across the Down, eagerly racing one another. They leapt over the shadows of Dandelion and Strawberry cast across the grass, before rolling over laughing. Dandelion was looking increasingly annoyed.

"How much longer do we have to stand out here? Bigwig isn't coming! I say we go and do what we want.", he snorted.

"No, Dandelion!", replied Strawberry.

"Why not?!", asked Dandelion in a huff.

"You know Bigwig as well as I do. The instant we move from this spot, he'll suddenly appear from nowhere, complain we're trying to avoid Owsla exercises again, and put us on night patrol.", replied Strawberry.

Dandelion paused to think about this. It certainly seemed like the sort of thing Bigwig would do.

"I'm going to risk it anyway!", he finished, beginning to move away. He'd barely taken two hops when a familiar voice started from behind him, sending a breeze through the grass.

"And where do you think you're going?", asked Bigwig.

"Nowhere Bigwig. I was just...er... making sure the kittens were safe!", replied Dandelion.

Bigwig grumbled for a second before shouting.

"Okay, OWSLAaa Assemble!", he bellowed, in an off-key voice which now made the grass visibly shake.

Strawberry and Dandelion quickly lined up. Bigwig paused, before looking around blankly.

"Hey, where's Hawkbit?", he shouted.

"er...", started Dandelion.

"Oh no! Not this time he doesn't!", interrupted Bigwig, already heading for the warren entrance. Before he reached it, Hawkbit appeared.

"You!!!", started Bigwig.

"Sorry Bigwig, sorry! I lost track of where Frith was in the sky.", interrupted Hawkbit.

"I don't want to hear any of your excuses, Hawkbit. I expect you to be here when I say!", shouted Bigwig.

"And for a long time afterwards...", muttered Dandelion under his breath.

"I said I'm sorry. By the looks of things, you were just about to start anyway.", pointed out Hawkbit.

"I knew this would happen once Zenthang came here!", replied Bigwig.

"You leave her out of this Bigwig!", snapped Hawkbit viciously, pushing Bigwig back. For a few seconds Bigwig stood stunned. He certainly wasn't afraid of Hawkbit, however was taken aback by the abrupt reply from his weaker companion. He glanced across at Dandelion and Hawkbit both of whom were staring in amazement, waiting for Bigwig's response. He couldn't do anything less in front of them, so lunged at Hawkbit.

"You flea-bitten layabout!", he shouted angrily, tackling Hawkbit to the ground.

"Bigwig!", interrupted Hazel.

Although Bigwig wouldn't admit it, he was happy Hazel had turned up at that moment to break up the fight. Attacking his fellow rabbits was not something he enjoyed doing.

"Everyone get going then!", shouted Bigwig to his Owsla, standing up.

"Um... where, Bigwig? You haven't told us what we're supposed to be doing yet.", replied Dandelion.

"er...", Bigwig started, quickly thinking of something on the spot.

"Go down to the farm. Get yourselves some flayrah!", he finished.

Two of the rabbits hopped off cheerfully, whilst the third followed shortly behind still grumbling.

"And don't think this is supposed to be fun! It's a military training exercise. I'll be hiding, and watching you to see how you're coping with danger as a team.", he shouted after them.

In fact, Bigwig had no intention of moving from the Down that day. He knew that merely saying he would be watching them was enough to keep them in check, at least on this occasion.

"Let me guess. You're going to tell me I'm being too hard on him.", sighed Bigwig.

"I never said a thing, Bigwig... but yes, I was going to suggest going a bit easy on him.", replied Hazel.

"I won't accept shoddy behaviour from any rabbit in my Owsla. Especially not those who question my authority in front of the rest.", retorted Bigwig.

"You were young at one time. You know what's it's like.", finished Hazel.

"Young? Hawkbit isn't young!", replied Bigwig. Hazel chuckled as he headed back towards the warren entrance.

"Hey, and what do you mean I 'was young at one time'.... I still am, I'll have you know!", continued Bigwig, following after him in a jesting manner.


Down by the farm

Hawkbit cleared the electric fence, and landed with a thud next to Strawberry and Dandelion. Both Dandelion and Hawkbit had been into the field, with Strawberry staying outside to act as a stepping stone, partly because he was the largest rabbit they had, and partly because he wasn't noted for being much good at jumping. Dandelion, however, had made sure to take something back for their helpful companion first.

"It's quite easy once you get the hang of it, isn't it?", smiled Dandelion.

"You'd have thought man would have noticed and moved that rock by now.", he continued.

"Are you complaining?", asked Strawberry.

"No, no! Of course not!", replied Dandelion, before picking up his proud collection of 3 carrots. He glanced across at Hawkbit, who was proudly holding up a half rotten turnip.

"Um... Hawkbit, why did you get that. There were plenty of other fresh vegetables about?", he asked, mumbling with his mouth full.

"It was the biggest there was!", replied Hawkbit.

"And you're going for quantity over quality?", continued Dandelion.

"Yep. Zenthang...", he started.

"Oh, it's for her. No wonder you're not bothered about finding the best flayrah.", chuckled Dandelion.

"It's a good thing I know you're joking, or I'd cuff you for that. No, Zenthang needs as much food as she can get now.", replied Hawkbit with a smile on his face.

"Huh? Why?", asked Dandelion and Strawberry in unison, both of them leaning forward in anticipation.

"Because she needs to catch up after all that time without flayrah in her home warren.", replied Hawkbit, wondering why they both sighed at his answer.

At that moment, a creaking door was heard, indicating the imminent arrival of the farmer.

"Come on, let's get back to the down.", suggested Dandelion.

"So much for this being a good training exercise. We haven't had to do anything!", smiled Strawberry.

"Bigwig wouldn't want us to look for trouble though, would he?", finished Dandelion, hopping away first with his carrots. The others followed with their spoils.


Later inside the warren, back at Watership Down

"And then...", continued Dandelion. In one of the sideburrows, he was in full storytelling mode by now, reciting to an obviously bored Blackavar the incredible tale of the day's raid.

"... I suddenly turned on Tabatha, confronting her. She stopped at that, only momentarily, but it was long enough for me to charge past her. I then cleared the electric fence with a single bound, not even using the rock. Not too bad, considering I was carrying these 3 carrots at the same time.", finished Dandelion.

Blackavar yawned.

"You don't really expect me to believe all that, do you?", he asked.

"er... why not?", replied Dandelion nervously.

"For a start, I can see there's only 2 carrots there Dandelion.", pointed out Blackavar.

"Some rabbits don't know a good story when they he...", started Dandelion, before stopping abruptly.

He swung his head around to check his stash. Sure enough, only 2 carrots could be seen.

"Next time you tell a story, at least get the basic facts right.", sighed Blackavar.

"B... b... but there were 3 here a moment ago!", squeaked Dandelion.

"Oh no! Maybe the Fairy Wogdog took it!", mocked Blackavar.

Dandelion glanced around before spotting a face in the shadows.

"Zenthang! You saw there were 3 here, right?", he squeaked.

"I didn't see anything!", she replied.

"You must have seen something. You were sitting right there!", persisted Dandelion.

"She said she didn't see anything! Alright!", snapped Hawkbit, appearing from nowhere.

"Okay, Hawkbit, okay. I was only asking.", replied Dandelion.

"It didn't sound like it to me, mate!", continued Hawkbit angrily.

"Come on Zenthang.", he finished, walking off with his mate.

"There's something suspicious about her Blackavar, and I don't know what.", whispered Dandelion.

"Really Dandelion! You're letting your imagination get carried away with itself these days.", chuckled Blackavar, before hopping towards The Honeycomb.

"And I'll find out what it is...", continued Dandelion to himself. He was about to follow them when Hazel's voice rang out through the burrows.

"Dandelion!", he shouted.

"Yes, Hazel.", replied Dandelion, entering The Honeycomb where the chief was waiting.

"Ah, there you are. I've been looking for you.", smiled Hazel, hopping across to him.

"It sounded urgent!", pointed out Dandelion.

"Holly and Pimpernel should be returning tomorrow. We were thinking about organising a great feast to celebrate the fact, and were wondering if you'd act as storyteller.", continued Hazel.

"Will El-ahrairah ever run out of tricks?", smiled Dandelion in agreement.

"But isn't it a bit short notice to allow for food gathering?", he continued.

"Bigwig's gone out with a few of the others now. They should be back before the moon is out.", replied Hazel.

"What, and Bigwig didn't try to make me, Hawkbit and Strawberry do it? That doesn't sound like him!", laughed Dandelion.

"I think he was a little miffed that I hadn't suggested the idea sooner so that he could have asked you to bring something back.", finished Hazel.


In the down, early next morning

Zenthang cautiously peered around the opening to Dandelion's burrow. It was empty, apart from the remainder of a carrot from the previous day. Eyeing it greedily, she picked it up before turning to leave.

"Going somewhere?", asked Dandelion, blocking the run.

"Well, if it isn't the great storyteller. What lie have you come up with this time?", she replied.

"I knew you were a thief!", snarled Dandelion.

"So what! Nobody believes a word you say.", smiled Zenthang.

"Why though? Hawkbit brings you back plenty.", pointed out Dandelion.

"Have you seen the stuff that rabbit brings back. It's an insult!", she sighed.

"And does he know about this?", growled Dandelion.

"That moth-eaten rabbit? He only knows what I tell him!", laughed Zenthang.

"That moth-eaten rabbit happens to be my friend.", snarled Dandelion, preparing to attack her.

"I wouldn't Dandelion. I think we all know who Hawkbit would side with.", she smiled, before pushing past him.

He did briefly consider stopping her, but decided speaking to Hawkbit was more important.

"Where is Hawkbit anyway?", he shouted.

"Why should I care? Above ground I think!", replied Zenthang.

'That doesn't sound like Hawkbit.', thought Dandelion to himself, 'Why would he be above ground when Bigwig isn't forcing us to be?'.

With that, he decided to go and investigate.


Clover, Harebell and Bluebella were busy digging at the entrance to the warren, kicking fresh soil out of the way.

"What's everyone doing?", asked Dandelion.

"Hazel thought we should clear the main runs a bit. They've become a little clogged up.", replied Clover.

"It's taking a lot longer than we expected though...", continued Harebell.

"Why? I thought you were both supposed to be good diggers.", questioned Dandelion.

"We are... it's him that's the problem!", she whispered, indicating over her shoulder. Dandelion glanced across to see Hawkbit clumsily digging away, kicking most of the dirt back into the cleared areas.

"We would tell him to go away, but he was so insistent on helping that it would be cruel to hurt his feelings.", whispered Clover.

"B...but this is Hawkbit. He hates digging!", replied Dandelion.

"It seems he's picked the worst possible time to develop a liking for it.", sighed Harebell.

"Honeysuckle wasn't too happy either. When Hazel asked her to help, she was planning to bully him into doing all her work! Now she's had to go off to find someone else.", continued Clover.

"Did Hazel ask all the does to help with the digging?", asked Dandelion.

"As far as a I know, yes. Why?", replied Harebell.

"That explains a lot.", sighed Dandelion, before running over to where Hawkbit's bottom was sticking out of the hole.

"Hawkbit!", he started, before ending up with a face full of soil.

"HAWKBIT!!", he shouted a little louder, after clearing the muck from his face.

"Sorry mate. I didn't hear you there.", replied Hawkbit, backing out from the run.

"What are you doing?", asked Dandelion.

"Digging! What does it look like?", replied Hawkbit.

"But why?", asked Dandelion.

"Why not? I love to dig!", smiled Hawkbit.

"Your lieing is almost as bad as your digging, Hawkbit. She has you doing whatever she wants.", replied Dandelion.

"Okay, so maybe I am doing this for her.", started Hawkbit, at which Dandelion started shaking his head.

"Well, She couldn't dig herself as she has a bad claw.", pointed out Hawkbit.

"If she was hurt, why didn't she say so to Hazel. He wouldn't have asked her to help if she was injured.", pointed out Dandelion.

Hawkbit paused to think about that, before screwing his face up at Dandelion.

"Just what are you trying to say?", he snarled angrily.

Dandelion sighed to himself, as he quickly considered his options. On the one hand, he didn't want to tell Hawkbit something which would upset him, but on the other he didn't want to see his best friend made a fool of. In the end, there was only one option he could go with.

"She's a liar and a thief Hawkbit. It's her who's been stealing my flayrah.", he replied.

"Not this one again. Just what do you have against her Dandelion?", growled Hawkbit.

"Nothing I...", started Dandelion.

"Oh, I get it now. You're just jealous. You just can't live with the fact that someone actually likes me; that I might actually be happy for a change!", interrupted Hawkbit.

"All she cares about is having an easy life, Hawkbit. She's not in the least bit bothered about you.", shouted Dandelion.

At that, Hawkbit leapt angrily at him. Pinning him to the ground.

"Liar!! I'll kill you!", he shouted, his eyes red with anger.

Dandelion struggled to hold him back. For all Hawkbit wasn't listening to him, and was now trying to kill him, he still considered their friendship important, and wouldn't do anything to hurt the grey rabbit. Luckily he didn't need to, for at that moment Bigwig pulled Hawkbit off him.

"What in Frith's name is going on here?", asked Hazel, who had ran out with Bigwig upon hearing the commotion.

"I'll tear you apart Dandelion, I promise!", shouted Hawkbit.

"Not if I tear you apart first Hawkbit!", growled Bigwig threateningly.

"Bigwig! Take Hawkbit back underground.", shouted Hazel.

Bigwig dragged Hawkbit, who was still shouting and cursing, down the run back into the warren.

"Are you going to tell me what this is about then?", asked Hazel.

Dandelion sighed, before starting to explain.

"It's Z..", was all he managed though, before Kehaar interrupted.

"Kehaaaaaar!", he screeched, crashing to the ground.

"They come Hazel. Holly and Pimpernel at bottom of down. Be soon here. Ya!", he continued frantically.

"We'll have to finish this later.", spoke Hazel, stamping his foot on the ground in order to send out a message for everyone to come out in the open.

Shortly, on the slopes of the Down

"I never thought I'd be so happy to be climbing this steep hill.", panted Holly, as he neared the top of the Down with Pimpernel.

"I know! I'll be glad to finally get some rest in familiar surroundings. It just isn't the same being away from home is it?", came the reply.

The two of them finally reached the top of the Down to be greeted by a loud cheer from the rest of the rabbits. Only two remained silent. One being Dandelion, who remained miserable and solemn, and the other being Hawkbit who, although having now calmed down, still gave bitter glances at the brown rabbit. Dandelion, not being able to take much more of Hawkbit's glowering disappeared underground.

"Welcome back lads!", started Bigwig.

"What's all this?", asked Holly.

"Well you didn't think we'd let you come back without making a fuss, did you?", smiled Hazel.

"We haven't really been gone all that long you know.", Pimpernel smiled back.

"We all thought it was about time we had something to celebrate. Things have been rather tense around here lately.", replied Hazel.

"Now come on! Bigwig's almost finished setting up for a big bobstones game. After that there's a great feast awaiting us all underground, where Dandelion will be telling us another of his much-loved stories.", he continued.

"Are you really sure it's a good idea for me to join in with this Hazel? The last game I played didn't exactly end too well.", sighed Bigwig, recalling his earlier experience at Redstone.

"Oh come on Bigwig. That was totally different! Besides, bobstones wouldn't be bobstones without you taking part.", replied Hazel.

Bigwig smiled at Hazel, as the other rabbits gathered around in a circle. He had barely began to gather his thoughts when he was interrupted by Dandelion.

"It's gone! All the flayrah's gone!", he shouted, running back into the open.

"Gone? What do mean gone?", replied Bigwig.

"The stockpile in the Honeycomb isn't there anymore!", continued Dandelion, running back into the warren. The other rabbits closely followed, all eager to see for themselves what Dandelion was talking about. Sure enough, as they entered the wide open space of the Honeycomb, they could see Dandelion spoke the truth. Apart from the odd carrot and lettuce leaf dotted about, the place was bare.

"It can't just have vanished!", started Bigwig.

"Someone must have moved it, ol' boy!", replied Captain Broom, stating the obvious.

"How could anyone move all that? We've all been above ground!", pointed out Bigwig.

"Apart from him!", came a voice from the very back of the group of rabbits. It was Zenthang, indicating towards Dandelion. She gradually made her way to the front of the group.

"I caught a glimpse of Dandelion disappearing out the back moments beforehand with the last of the lettuce.", she continued. Dandelion didn't look at all bothered by what she said. It wasn't as though this sort of lie was any surprise to him. What did surprise him was what happened next.

"Hawkbit saw him too, didn't you Hawky!", she continued. Hawkbit looked around the warren nervously at all the silent rabbits. He glanced at Dandelion, before looking back at Zenthang.

"Y...yes. It's all true. Dandelion's been trying to do everything he could to ruin today.", spoke Hawkbit. The words cut straight through Dandelion who, without a further word, bolted for the exit.

"Hmm... I guess some rabbits can't bear the truth.", smiled Zenthang, as Hawkbit remained silent. Hazel ran out after Dandelion.


Outside the warren

Hazel emerged and looked around. At first he couldn't see where Dandelion had gone, but soon managed to pick out the rabbit cowering by a clump of long grass. He crouched down next to Dandelion, who was determinedly trying to hold back tears.

"It was her you know. I'll not lie and say I saw her, but I just know.", started Dandelion miserably.

"I know that too, Dandelion.", replied Hazel.

"You do?", asked Dandelion.

"Of course! Bigwig hasn't trusted her since she came, and has been keeping an eye on her. I was more inclined to give her a chance, but even I can see what she's doing.", replied Hazel.

"If you knew, then why didn't you do anything to stop her.", asked Dandelion.

"Because we were hoping to figure out why she's doing this. That is something we can't explain! She knows we share everything, so why she feels the need to steal from a fellow rabbit...", replied Hazel. Before sighing. "We didn't think she'd go this far though!", he continued.

"The thing is Hazel, I can live with her lieing. What makes it so bad is that Hawkbit would believe her and do this to me. We've been friends since we were old enough to step out of the burrows alone at Sandleford. I'd have thought that would have counted for something.", sighed Dandelion.

"I saw the look on Hawkbit's face after you left. It wasn't something he wanted to say.", replied Hazel.

"But he still did Hazel. He still did!", replied Dandelion.

"Hawkbit's always been a lonely rabbit Dandelion, ever since he left Sandleford. Despite the fact we're there for him, he's still always felt as though he has no friends. After all this time believing that to finally find someone who likes him for who he is, only to find out it's all a lie.... well, he's determined not to accept the fact. When he does, it's up to us to be there for him. Isn't that what friends are for?", smiled Hazel. He paused, waiting for an answer.

"You're right Hazel!", replied Dandelion, standing up.

"If he thinks he's going to get rid of me that easily, he's got another thing coming!", he continued.

Late afternoon

Hawkbit searched around in the grass, looking confused and miserable. Since earlier that day, he'd been wandering around submerged in his own thoughts, and was now looking for Zenthang. He hadn't seen her since the events in the Honeycomb and really needed to speak with her now. Kehaar, under instructions from Hazel, followed Hawkbit silently from the sky, quite an achievement for the normally vocal gull.

Finally, after he had been wandering for hours, although to Hawkbit that might just as well have been seconds, he caught glimpse of Zenthang's fur disappearing into some bushes at the foot of the Down. After running to the bottom himself, he prepared to call out to her, but stopped when he heard talking from the cover. That voice, one of another doe, sounded strangely familiar.

"Did you manage it Zenthang?", asked the first voice.

"No problem Eyebright. Everything is stored in an abandoned run just down from the main warren. It's as far as I could manage to move it in the time I had.", replied Zenthang.

"And nobody suspects it was you?", continued Eyebright.

"There was one rabbit, but I soon saw to it that no-one would take him seriously again.", replied Zenthang.

"Is there much flayrah?", asked Eyebright.

"Lots! Enough to last us for the rest of the season.", replied Zenthang, before sighing.

"How much longer do I have to stay in this place though? Hawkbit never wants to leave me alone! He makes my fur shiver.", she continued. Nobody noticed Kehaar taking off from a nearby tree and heading swiftly back towards the Down.

"Now that Holly and Pimpernel are out of our warren, nobody is going to notice us moving in the night. We'll return nInlé today!", replied Eyebright. The two rabbits nodded in agreement one final time, before Eyebright ran off.

Hawkbit remained silent, his world falling apart in front of his eyes. Everything Dandelion had said to him was true. She didn't care in the least for him. How could he have been so stupid, was all he managed to ask himself for at that moment Zenthang turned to head back towards the Down. She suddenly found her path blocked by a familiar grey rabbit.

"Hawkbit!", she shouted in shock, before quickly calming herself.

"Aww... You came all this way just to look for me. You're the most kind-hearted rabbit I kn..", she continued, before Hawkbit interrupted.

"You lied to me!", he spoke, his voice sounding cold and more full of hatred than she had ever heard before.

"You know I would never lie to you.", replied Zenthang, trying to snuggle up close to him. Before she had a chance to get too near, Hawkbit growled. A callous noise which said more to Zenthang than any words ever could. She tried to turn and run, however Hawkbit, full of rage, leapt on her, pinning her to the ground. She desperately tried to fight back as Hawkbit violently clawed at her face.

"You're wrong Hawky, you're wrong!", she squealed, as tears mixed with the blood from her scratch marks. Hawkbit, by now blinded by anger to anything said around him, ignored her and sank his teeth into her shoulder. She screamed in pain as his teeth drew blood.

"Hawkbit, no!", shouted Hazel, as he appeared with several of the other rabbits from behind. Alerted by Kehaar, they had tore to the bottom of the Down as fast as their legs would carry them.

Bigwig, Holly and Pimpernel wrestled Hawkbit until he was free of Zenthang. Whereas normally Bigwig alone could have handled Hawkbit, on this occasion the three of them together struggled to keep him under control, as he spat blood.

"Zen!", screached Eyebright, returning to the scene after hearing her companion's screams from nearby.

"Zenthang a... are you okay?", asked Eyebright, crouching down beside the bloodied rabbit.

Zenthang slowly managed to crawl back on to her feet.

"Why? We never did anything to hurt you.", Eyebright shouted at Hazel.

"Oh please, we know all about your little plan. We trusted you! We helped you! And yet you still betrayed us.", snarled Bigwig. Were it not for Hawkbit keeping him occupied, he would probably have attacked Eyebright himself. Zenthang limped as she tried to walk.

"Come back to Watership Down with us. At least until you can wal...", started Hazel.

"Go back to that place. I wouldn't go back there if it were the last place under Frith.", replied Zenthang.

With that she clumsily started to run on her wounded leg. Eyebright took one last lingering look at the group, something which particularly disturbed Hazel due to her resemblance to Primrose, before running after Zenthang.

"Y... you're not going to let them get away, Hazel?", shouted Bigwig.

"Just leave them, Bigwig. Just leave them!", finished Hazel, as the two rabbits disappeared into the cover of the woodland.


Watership Down, late evening

Hawkbit lay curled up in the far corner of his burrow, away from the hustle of The Honeycomb. The way he was curled into a ball made him appear smaller and more vulnerable than most of the kittens in the warren. Despite the heat and sound of the other rabbits filling the warren with life and warmth, Hawkbit felt more cold and lonely than he had ever done in his life. He barely even noticed Dandelion creep tentatively into the burrow.

"Hawkbit?", he whispered.

Hawkbit sighed, before replying.

"If you've come to say 'I told you so' then don't bother. You can't make me feel any worse.", he spoke, without daring to look at Dandelion.

Dandelion settled down next to Hawkbit. He shivered as he felt Hawkbit's fur was as cold and lifeless as the rabbit himself.

"I'm not going to do that Hawkbit. I came to see if I could cheer you up. It's not much I know, but I thought a nice story might help!", smiled Dandelion.

Hawkbit turned over to look at him.

"Y... you mean you don't hate me? I would!", replied Hawkbit, a faint glimmer of hope in his eyes.

"Of course I don't hate you. None of us hate you. You're our friend.", smiled Dandelion.

"Believe it or not, Bigwig is sitting out under the first stars pining with worry about you.", he continued.

"Really?", questioned Hawkbit. Bigwig worrying over him was not something he would have imagined before. It suddenly seemed to make sense though. Someone who had pretended to love him didn't care less about him deep down, so perhaps the reverse was true in Bigwig's case. For all Bigwig would beat and cuff and scratch and shout at him, deep down he really cared more than anyone else.

"Well, either that or he's forgotten where the entrance to the warren is again.", replied Dandelion. Hawkbit actually smiled at that, albeit briefly.

"I don't deserve friends like you lot, I really don't.", he sighed.

"Well, like it or not, you're stuck with us, and you always will be!", replied Dandelion.

"What was that you were saying about a story?", asked Hawkbit, with the faintest sign of a tear in his eye.

"How's about LaLa! Bigwig; The Inlé Rabbit.", grinned Dandelion.

Dandelion stood up, assuming his normal storyteller pose. Slowly but surely, Hawkbit began to uncurl from his ball. Although outwardly his face remained solemn for the time being, inwardly he was now smiling; partly at the knowledge that his friends would always be there for him, and partly at the thought of Bigwig still sitting outside worrying about him. He knew the Owsla captain would never admit to it when asked, but for once it didn't matter.


At last... it's finished! I cannot deny it, this episode has been the most difficult to write. I got about 3 quarters of the way through, then just couldn't write anymore, hence the delay. Anyway, I don't think it came out too badly... although I'm sure everyone who was overjoyed at Hawkbit having a mate is going to want to kill me now.

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