3rd Water

Episode 3.3 - The Cage


The Watership Down series belongs to Alltime and Decode Entertainment. The original characters were the work of Richard Adams, however, many of the characters in the series were changed, and these belong to Alltime/Decode. I am just borrowing the characters for this fansite, and I mean no-one any harm by this. This is supposed to a be virtual third series, and is in no way supposed to detract from the official third series. When I originally planned out my third series, I never knew of the existance of the official third series. As it has never, and doesn't look as though it ever will be, aired in the UK, I decided to write an alternative series, continuing on from where series 2 (The Homecoming) left off. I am in no way connected with any of the companies mentioned above.

All characters are completely fictitious and any resemblance to any persons either living or dead is purely coincidental. If anyone has any problems with this episode, they are advised to contact the webmaster on [email protected].


Writer's notes:

Well, I was a bit nasty leaving a gap of 2 and a half weeks between episodes(especially when its a cliffhanger setup), but I'll *cough* try and make sure its never that long again in future. Anyway, I best get on with things.

All my previous writing tended to be humour based parodies of things, so this series has required a complete change of my writing style - let me know how you think I've done.

Previously on Watership Down

"It's just... well, I cant help wondering what happened to Sandleford.", sighed Hazel

"I told you man came! He destroyed everything.", interrupted Holly

"It's a shame Pimpernel isn't here. He might have been able to remember something you couldnt.", replied Hazel

"Yeah, but thanks to Cowslip not telling us everything, those shining wires got to him first.", continued Bigwig, still not managing to say shining wires without shivering

"Pimpernel's not dead.", spoke Fiver

"Ohhhh! Danger lurks far and near, the giant Hrududu hides the fear! Ohhhhh!", he groaned before collapsing to the ground


"The journey from Sandleford was a long one. What if I cant remember the way back?", replied Fiver

"Hey, dont worry about it. Thing's are different this time. We also have Captain Holly, who found the way, and Kehaar, who can guide us from the sky.", replied Hazel, reassuring him

"No, but I mean we dont know what we're supposed to be going back to.", continued Fiver

"Whatever happened to Sandleford, Im sure when we get there, we'll still be able to recognise it.", finished Hazel


"What is it?", shouted Hazel, as he and Fiver caught up with where the rest of the rabbits were standing

"It's worse than we thought, Hazel!", spoke Bigwig, as they looked out across a newly built housing estate. Behind that were some small factories, churning out clouds of grey smoke

"This your old home. Is crazy, ya ya ya!", screeched Kehaar

"This cant be Sandleford, surely!", shouted Bigwig

"It is!", replied Fiver, shivering


"Fiver saw something about a giant Hrududu? Why dont you and Hannah see if you can find it?", suggested Hazel

"It smells safe enough here. We'll wait here until you get back!", he continued, sniffing the air

Hannah nodded, before Kehaar lifted into the air.


"Wait..", interrupted Bigwig

"Man. Nearby! SCATTER!!", he shouted, at which they all dived for cover in some bushes in the surrounding gardens

"Garrggh!!", grumbled Hazel, as a hand pushed through the bush and grabbed him by the scruff of his neck

"Hazel!!", shouted Bigwig, as a little girl held Hazel in the air

The little girl ran off into her kitchen, carrying Hazel. Bigwig watched from the bushes.

"Look Mommy!", came her voice

"What is it Molly?", came a reply

"Its a rabbit! Awww, hes sooo cute! Can we keep him!", continued the girl

"You cant keep wild rabbits. They cant cope with the stress! It'll kill him.", came the reply

"Ohhh.... pulleaase!!", pleaded the girl

"Oh, very well then, just stick him outside in the cage! But dont say I didnt tell you so later on!", came the reply

As Bigwig watched, the girl carried Hazel, who tried in vain to kick his way free, across to a nearby hutch. She struggled to undo the rusted latch on the top, dropped him inside, then locked it again.

"There. You're all nice and cosy now!", the girl whispered to Hazel through the wire mesh, before running back in the house

As soon as the kitchen door closed, Bigwig, Hawkbit, Holly and Fiver ran across to the hutch.

"Hazel. Are you alright?", whispered Bigwig

"I'm fine.", groaned Hazel

"But I've got to get out of here!", he continued

"Are there any other rabbits in there?", asked Holly

"No. It smells as though this place hasnt been used for a few round moons now!", replied Hazel

"See! This would never have happened if we'd gone home when I said, instead of running around all over the country on some crazy search! You wouldnt listen to me though, would you! Nooo!", scoffed Hawkbit

"Quiet you!", replied Bigwig, clipping Hawkbit round his left ear

"Can you gnaw through anything?", asked Hazel

Bigwig and Holly scurried about the hutch, biting randomly at bits of wood and metal for several minutes, before returning to speak with Hazel

"No good! This box is a lot tougher than the one on Nuthanger.", spoke Bigwig

"What about the latch?", asked Hazel

"It wont budge. It seems easy enough to open, but is all stiff, and its turned a funny red colour!", replied Holly

Hazel pondered to himself

"Well, now would be the time for one of your great ideas Hazel!", continued Hawkbit

"What about you Fiver? Can you see anything?", asked Hazel

"Besides the fact we're all done for!", muttered Hawkbit

"It's all a blur!", started Fiver. As Bigwig watched, Fiver's eyes widened, as he stared at the hutch

"The hutch! It's all yellow.... it has claws!", he continued, before yelping, and cowering on the ground

"Fiver, come back lad!", spoke Bigwig, gently poking him

"Thank You Bigwig. I dont know what came over me there!", replied Fiver

"Well, we're waiting!", snorted Hawkbit angrilly, folding his front paws, and tapping his back foot on the ground

"That Giant Hrududu! I dont know how, but it's the key to everything!", replied Fiver

"Kehaar and Hannah should be back soon. Perhaps we should see what they've managed to find out.", suggested Hazel

"And what are we supposed to do in the meantime, may I ask?", replied Hawkbit

Bigwig was about to reply, no doubt by hitting him across the head again, when the sound of the house door opening was heard

"We'll be nearby!", shouted Bigwig, as they all scrambled to the bushes

"There you are. Some fresh carrots, Flopsy!", shouted the litle girl cheerfully, struggling to undo the rusted catch, then bombarding Hazel with rotten carrots, before locking it again

Hazel sighed


That night

"Keyaaar!!", screeched Kehaar, hovering over the path between the two gardens

Hawkbit, who had been sleeping curled up in the bushes, awoke

"He'll not know we're here!", pointed out Fiver

"Good point lad.", replied Bigwig

"Hawkbit, you go across and let him know.", decided Holly

"What, and get my head taken off by him?", replied Hawkbit

"It's either that, or get your head taken off by me. Now get moving!", shouted Bigwig

Hawkbit grumbled as he ran across the garden

"Kehaar! Over here!!", he shouted

Kehaar circled round, then swooped down to land where Hawkbit was standing. Hawkbit tried in vain to dive out the way, but it was no good. Kehaar crashed into him, knocking him over.

"Where is everyone, Hawkbit?", asked Hannah

"We're all over at the other side of this field.", replied Hawkbit, dusting himself down, then pointing

"I thought you say you wait by mantrail. You no make up mind! Crazy bunnies!", screeched Kehaar

"We didn't exactly have much choice, did we Hazel?", replied Hawkbit, as the three of them neared the hutch

"Hello Kehaar.", spoke Hazel through the wire mesh

"What you doing in there Hazel?", asked Kehaar

"Oh, he's admiring the decoration.", muttered Hawkbit under his breath

"One of the men put me here.", replied Hazel

"Is there no way out?", asked Hannah

"None that we can see. According to Fiver, the Giant Hrududu is the answer. Did you have any luck in finding it?", asked Hazel

"We find it yah!", screeched Kehaar

"It's at the far side of this place, on the outskirts. We watched it for a while, waiting for it to move, but it just stood there still and lifeless.", replied Hannah

"Any sign of Pimpernel?", shouted Holly

"We didn't see a single rabbit.", replied Hannah

Holly's face dropped

"He's there. As is the answer to everything.", replied Fiver

"Well, what are we waiting for. Let's go check it out.", decided Bigwig

"Will you be alright until we get back?", he continued to Hazel

"I should be. It's getting dark. The man-kitten shouldnt come back now until next frith-rise.", replied Hazel

"We'll be back as soon as possible. Dont go anywhere until we get back, will you?", continued Bigwig

"Am I the only one to see the flaw in that last statement?", sighed Hawkbit. Luckily Bigwig didn't hear.


Late Evening...

Fiver, Holly, Hawkbit and Bigwig reached a busy road. Kehaar was hovering low, whilst Hannah was riding on Bigwig's neck, both of them guiding the rabbits.

"It's over there, Bigwig!", spoke Hannah, pointing to a yellow mass in a nearby field

At that moment, a red car sped past, choking Hawkbit with smoke

"You mean we have to cross this man trail?", asked Bigwig

"Oh marvellous!", spluttered Hawkbit

"No man trail is going to stop me finding Pimpernel!", shouted Holly, running out into the road

"Holly wait!", shouted Bigwig

They all closed their eyes, as a huge lorry sped past

"Holly!!", shouted Bigwig through the dust

There was no reply

"Frith, no!", he continued, as the dust cleared, to reveal nothing but darkness

"Come on, what are you waiting for?", came Holly's voice suddenly, as his head popped up from the long grass at the other side of the road

"These man trails aren't dangerous.", he continued

Hawkbit put forward one of his paws onto the road, but quickly jumped back again as another car sped past

"I think I might stop here.... and.... er... guard the trail from er... elil.", stuttered Hawkbit

"Get moving!", shouted Bigwig, pushing him out into the road

Hawkbit glanced to his left, to see the lights of a van bearing down on him. Looking forward again, he quickly bolted, running straight into Holly on the other side, and sending him flying.

"You go next!", shouted Bigwig to Fiver

"Why?", asked Fiver

"That way if the Hrududu's eyes hynotise you like they did on the iron road, I'll be here to get you across.", replied Bigwig

"I'll just avoid looking into it's eyes. It's safer!", replied Fiver

"Right Go! Me and Hannah will be right behind you.", shouted Bigwig, as another car sped past

The three of them ran for their lives, without looking back, and soon joined Hawkbit on the other side.

"Where's Holly?", panted Fiver

"I dont know. He must have run off to look for Pimpernel.", replied Hawkbit

"I'm right here, you idiot. You ran into me, and knocked me here, if you recall!", shouted Holly, appearing from an overgrown ditch, looking more than a little displeased with Hawkbit

"Im exhausted!", sighed Fiver collapsing to the ground

"There's some cover here in this ditch. We may as well rest until the morning.", decided Bigwig

"You're not going to argue this time, are you Holly?", he continued

Holly was about to answer, when he heard the call of an owl nearby

"No, Sir!", came his reply


Next Morning

Hawkbit was the first awake. Frith was just appearing over the horizon.

"Aha! I'll get something to eat first this time!", he laughed to himself

He climbed out of the ditch, and looked around. Everything looked different in the morning light. Eventually he set his eyes upon a patch of clover nearby. He was about to sink his teeth into it, when Bigwig's voice was heard.

"Hawkbit!! Get back here this instant!", he shouted

Hawkbit grumbled and stormed back to where the others were all awakening as a result of Bigwig's shouting

"Do you have something against me eating?", snorted Hawkbit

"Owsla rule number 1! Never wander off on your own in unfamiliar territory!", replied Bigwig

"I thought rule number 1 was 'If you're seperated from your platoon go to ground and wait for rescue'. Then, just the other week, you told us rule number 1 was 'An Owsla's nos...", started Hawkbit, before being interrupted by the obligatory cuffing round the ears

"Is this the place then Fiver?", asked Bigwig

Fiver sniffed then shivered

"Yes, this is it. There's fear all around us!", he replied

"Well, lets take a look around then.", decided Bigwig

"Hannah, Kehaar! Fly back and tell Hazel we're here! Stay with him, and keep him company until we get back.", he continued, at which they took off

The four rabbits slowly walked towards the rusting yellow mass. The digger itself had been abandoned for some time, with weeds growing around the base of it.

"Everyone split up, and see what you can find.", decided Bigwig

They all went off in different directions. Not surprisingly, it was Fiver who was first to find something

"What is it Fiver?", asked Bigwig, running across to where Fiver was thumping the ground

"There's recent rabbit tracks here.  They've been covered up, only badly.", continued Bigwig, sniffing in the grass

"They seem to lead up to the Hrududu.", pointed out Fiver, following the tracks

"There's something underneath it.", he continued, ducking his head underneath the digger

"Get back stranger!", came a voice from underneath, as Fiver was thrown backwards

A dark brown rabbit came running out from underneath, and pinned Fiver to the ground. The rabbit himself was poorly fed, with a scar over his damaged left eye.

"I can rip you apart! Just what are you up to in our land?", shouted the rabbit, with his front paw on Fiver's neck

"I...I...", stammered Fiver

"You'll have to take on me first!!", shouted Bigwig, charging at the strange rabbit, and knocking him away

Bigwig and the stranger circled one another for a few seconds. Bigwig was about to leap in for another attack, when the stranger spoke

"Bigwig? Is that you?", he asked

"Depends who's asking!", replied Bigwig

"Pimpernel! It's you!!", came Holly's voice, as him and Hawkbit appeared on the scene, after running to find out what all the fuss was about

"Holly? Bigwig? It cant be! You've both stopped running!", spoke the bedraggled rabbit

"We thought the same about you. Fiver was the only one who knew differently.", replied Holly

"Fiver? You're Fiver?", spoke Pimpernel, looking at Fiver, who by now had managed to get back on his feet

"You were the one who warned us of this. We should have listened. Oh, why didn't we listen?", he continued, cowering to the ground

"We? You mean there are more of you! Where?", replied Bigwig

"Follow me!", finished Pimpernel

As the four of them followed, Pimpernel crawled under the digger, revealing a hidden entrance to his burrow


Inside the burrow

"You mean your warren is actually underneath the Hrududu?", asked Bigwig

"Yes. Although it's not really big enough to call it a warren. It's just a small single burrow, but its safe.", continued Pimpernel, as they reached the end of the short run, and squeezed into the burrow. There were three other rabbits already there, one with a litter of two kittens.

"Surely this isn't all that's left of Sandleford? 4 of you!", started Bigwig

"It is.... now!", replied Pimpernel

"So what did actually happen here?", asked Bigwig

"Holly never told you?", replied Pimpernel

"I could only remember vague details. In the journey to find Bigwig's warren, I forgot almost everything.", interrupted Holly

"About a week after you, Blackberry and the other's who went left, it came. This thing above us. It tore up the land with it's claws. We tried to run, but the runs had all been blocked up. Those which were open, had man waiting with those fire sticks. Nearly everyone stopped running that day!", started Pimpernel, with a tear in his eye. One of the does in the warren put a paw on his left shoulder to try and comfort him.

"But some of you escaped?", asked Bigwig

"12 in total. 10 bucks, and 2 does. We managed to escape via one of the runs, before man noticed it, and blocked it. They managed to wound 2 of the bucks.", continued Pimpernel

"After that we all bolted into any cover we could find. Me and Holly decided we had to come and find you and your warren. We had wounded. Perhaps you could have helped. We travelled for days until we finally came upon what seemed like a safe warren, ran by a chief called Cowslip.", he continued, at which Bigwig shuddered

"I take it from that you've met him!", sighed Pimpernel

"You could say that, yes!", replied Hawkbit

"Holly went on to find you, while I stayed at that warren. I would have waited until he returned, but I found out what was wrong with that place. I was out collecting the flayrah the man leaves, when I saw one of the rabbits disappear into the bush. He never came out again. When I went to check it out, I saw the shining wire!", continued Pimpernel

"So what did you do?", asked Holly

"I did what any sensible rabbit would. I ran! I didnt stop running.", replied Pimpernel

"So where did you go after that? How did you end up back here?", asked Holly

"Well, after that, I couldnt think what to do. I just came back to Sandleford. By now, everything had changed. The men had already began building their stone boxes where the warren used to be. There were more of the yellow Hrududus attacking the land, but this one stayed still. I think it must be dead. Anyway, the does had managed to dig out this temporary warren, and we've been here since!", finished Pimpernel

"You mean you never tried to leave, to find somewhere else?", asked Bigwig

"Oh by Frith, we tried, but it all ended in disaster. The first two bucks that went out, never came back. What became of them we never know, although we did find blood near to the woods. The second time, we sent a bigger group. The remaining 8 bucks, myself included set out to find somewhere.", continued Pimpernel, before shivering with fear

"What is it? What happened?", asked Holly

"We found somewhere alright. Another warren. A terrible place called Efrafa.", replied Pimpernel

"Oh yes, we've heard of them!", joked Hawkbit

"Out of the 8 of us who went in, only me and Gooseberry here escaped. The rest all stopped running in the attempts to break free.", continued Pimpernel, pointing at a younger looking grey buck

"After that nasty loss, we gave in, and came back here. This place may be bad, but at least its safe, as long as we stay underground all the time.", he continued

"What happens if you go outside?", asked Bigwig

"How do you think I lost my eye? Man prowls whilst Frith's in the sky, with those firing sticks. Underground we're safe though.", finished Pimpernel

"It isn't safe, not even underground. There's a danger coming, and soon. The Hrududu... it's built on water. It's going to be washed away, as will this warren.", shivered Fiver

"What! We've been here for seasons now, and it's been safe. Why's it suddenly going to change?", asked Pimpernel

"Fiver's been right about this before. Do you really want to risk doubting him again?", asked Holly

"Even if we wanted to move, we couldnt. There's no way Violet and Bluebella could run when Violet has 2 kittens to carry.", pointed out Pimpernel, clearing up the mystery of who the remaining two Sandleford rabbits were

"2 kittens? Pimpernel, Im proud of you!", replied Bigwig, nudging him

"No, they're Gooseberry's actually. I spend all my time defending the warren, from which there is no escape!", replied Pimpernel

"You can escape with our help. Our friend Kehaar can carry one of the little ones.", replied Bigwig

"How? Is he gonna sprout wings or something?", snorted Pimpernel

"Kind of! All we need to do now is figure out how to get Hazel free.", replied Bigwig

"Hazel? Wasnt he Fiver's brother?", asked Pimpernel

"He's our chief back at our new home.", replied Bigwig

"You mean you aren't chief! Well now, thats a surprise. Is he here too?", asked Pimpernel

"He's in a hutch at the other side of this place. We can see how to open it, but the latch wont budge. Fiver said this place holds the answer.", replied Bigwig

"Fiver says far too much if you ask me!", sighed Hawkbit

"Nobody was asking you!", retorted Bigwig

"Wont move? This latch.... has it turned a strange red colour?", asked Pimpernel

"Yes. Do you know something about it?", replied Bigwig

"Follow me.", finished Pimpernel


Back outside

Pimpernel poked his nose out from underneath the Hrududu and sniffed around

"Coast's clear. Come on!", he shouted, before jumping up into the driver's compartment. Bigwig followed

"There!", shouted Pimpernel, pointing at a strange bottle by the window

"What is it?", asked Bigwig

"I dont know. Man left 2 of them here. We were sniffing about with one of them, when Gooseberry knocked one over and discovered something.", replied Pimpernel

"It has a strange thick black water in it. The black water made the red metal that Gooseberry was sitting on move, and change colour.", he continued

"You think this could help us free Hazel?", asked Bigwig

"It's worth a try, surely.", replied Pimpernel, picking up the bottle, and clumsily carrying it

"Okay, everyone, lets get the plan right.", started Bigwig, as everyone else crawled out from underneath the Digger

"Me and Pimpernel will go and try to free Hazel. Everyone else stay here. Be ready to run as soon as we get back!", he continued

"Do you really think we can leave this place?", asked Violet

"I wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it. I gave you Frith's word that we'll get you and your litter out of here, and into a safe new world. Just hold onto that thought!", replied Bigwig

"I will. I could see it in your eyes as soon as you arrived. Finally we shall be at peace. Ohh, I cant wait for the days when I can run free in the countryside, and bring up the young in the open air as Frith intended.", replied Violet

"That time shall come. Frith's smiling on you today.", finished Bigwig, before he and Pimpernel turned to leave

Violet smiled, as she stood next to Gooseberry, for her heart was now filled with the vision of a brighter future.


At the garden, about mid-day

"Whats wrong Fluffy. You havent eaten your carrots.", asked the girl, with Hazel squashed in her arms.

He struggled in vain, as she tried to force feed him.

"Molly, dinner's on the table!", came a voice from inside the kitchen

"Oh good! Be back later Fluffy!", she laughed, practically throwing Hazel back into the hutch and forcing it closed

"Is crazy man-kitten ya?", screeched Kehaar, reappearing from behind the hutch with Hannah

"Crazy is right. She's already called me by two different names, and she keeps trying to force feed me this horrible flayrah.", replied Hazel, he sighed

"How much longer are Bigwig and the other's going to be?", he asked

"I no know. He say earlier be back soon. We just wait.", replied Kehaar

"This is Bigwig we're talking about. Im sure he has a plan by now.", continued Hannah

"What was that about me?", came Bigwig's voice, as he emerged from the bushes and ran into the garden

"Bigwig! It's good to see you again.", shouted Hazel

"Hazel, this is Pimpernel.", spoke Bigwig, introducing the brown stranger

"He thinks this stuff can get you out.", he continued, pointing at the bottle

"Ah. I see this at peeg vater. Is good for boats, no good for feathers though!", interrupted Kehaar, lifting his wing

After fumbling about with the bottle for several minutes, they eventually managed to spill some of the oil out. It trickled across the hutch, spreading across the wood, and onto the rusted metal latch

"See if it opens now!", spoke Pimpernel

Bigwig did as he was told. The latch creaked open. Hazel cautiously crawled out of the hutch, and jumped down onto the ground.

"Ow! My back. I've been sitting in there too long!", he groaned

"No time now! RUN!!", shouted Bigwig, as the little Girl appeared at the door

"Flippsy! Where you going! Come back!!!", she shouted, running out after him.

"Dont worry. Man cant run as fast as us!", shouted Bigwig, as the three of them jumped through the bushes, and onto the footpath

"So where are we going?", asked Hazel as they ran

"Back to the Warren of the Giant Hrududu!", replied Bigwig



The three of them entered the ditch just past the road. By now, the girl was long gone. Pimpernel suddenly froze.

"What is it?", asked Bigwig

"Can you hear that noise?", he asked

"What noise? All I can hear is the Hrududu's going past on the giant man trail.", replied Bigwig

"I know. But I've heard the sound of this Hrududu somewhere before. Come on!", shouted Pimpernel

He jumped out of the ditch and gasped in shock

"Look! The Giant Hrududu! It's alive!", he shouted

"Impossible! That thing's long dead!", replied Bigwig, but he too gasped when he looked

The Yellow Hrududu was still in the same place, however it's engine was now running, albeit badly, sending great clouds of black smoke into the air

"Pimpernel. Thank Frith you're here!", shouted Gooseberry, appearing from further along the ditch.

"What's going on?", asked Pimpernel

"We dont know. We were just coming out of the warren, when we saw a man climbing into the Hrududu. Most of us managed to escape. As we watched, he climbed out, and started pouring that black liquid on things, before messing around with something at the front. Whatever he did, it brought the Hrududu back to life.", replied Gooseberry

"Is everyone out?", asked Bigwig

"We managed to get everyone out, apart from Violet and one of her kittens. They're still down there!", replied Gooseberry

"If that Hrududu sinks its claws into the earth, they'll be killed!", shouted Pimpernel

"Wait there they are!", interrupted Gooseberry

"RUN!!!", shouted Pimpernel

"She'll never make it.", spoke Bigwig

"Yes she will. Remember your promise Bigwig!", replied Pimpernel

As they watched, Violet ran out from underneath the digger, carrying her kitten in her teeth. No sooner had she cleared the digger, than she tripped. She turned to look at the Hrududu. As she did, its headlights came on. Violet froze.

"MOVE IT!!", shouted Bigwig

"She cant! The eyes have her! It's the eyes of the Hrududu!", shouted Fiver

The digger began to move forward. Violet still didnt move

"I cant watch!", shouted Gooseberry, turning away with tears in his eyes

Everyone else soon followed his example. Before they knew it, the Hrududu had pulled out of the field and gone, leaving nothing but dust. A cold wind blew across the now silent field. Violet and her kitten were nowhere to be seen.

There was an eery pause, before Hazel finally began to speak.

"My heart has joined the thousand...", he began

"...For my friends stopped running today.", he continued, as everyone else joined in


The next day in the wood

As everyone hopped along through the woods, they tried to appear positive, however there was no concealing the empty feeling which floated around, nor the forlorn expression on Gooseberry's face.

"So how much further is it, to this Watership Down?", asked Pimpernel, interrupting the silence

"Oh, its a long way, but its worth it. Whatever else happens, at least you know it's safe.", replied Hazel

"And my Violet will never see it now. She never got to be free.", sniffed Gooseberry

Hawkbit was about to speak, before Hazel interrupted

"Whatever you were about to say Hawkbit, dont say it!", he whispered

"Kehaar. You fly the other kitten back to the down. Primrose can take care of her. She's too young to travel!", decided Hazel

"Yar. Is sad, sad, day!", replied Kehaar, before flying off with the sleeping kitten

"Lets get moving then.", continued Hazel

As they started moving, a thunderclap was heard.

"Thats all we need.", sighed Hawkbit, as the rain began to fall

"Hey. It's only rain. A little rain never hurt anyone! Come on!", replied Hazel, as they all headed towards home under the deep black clouds, both in the sky, and in their hearts.


Woah! There's something wrong there. I wrote this, hence knew what to expect, so how come it still brings a tear to my eyes? Makes me glad this was never turned into a real episode, or I'd no doubt have used up a whole box of tissues by now. Dont really know what more I can say.

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