3rd Water

Episode 3.2 - Return to Sandleford


The Watership Down series belongs to Alltime and Decode Entertainment. The original characters were the work of Richard Adams, however, many of the characters in the series were changed, and these belong to Alltime/Decode. I am just borrowing the characters for this fansite, and I mean no-one any harm by this. This is supposed to a be virtual third series, and is in no way supposed to detract from the official third series. When I originally planned out my third series, I never knew of the existance of the official third series. As it has never, and doesn't look as though it ever will be, aired in the UK, I decided to write an alternative series, continuing on from where series 2 (The Homecoming) left off. I am in no way connected with any of the companies mentioned above.

All characters are completely fictitious and any resemblance to any persons either living or dead is purely coincidental. If anyone has any problems with this episode, they are advised to contact the webmaster on [email protected].


Writer's notes:

Okay, this is the second of my episodes, and Im still finding my feet with this series. I was really pleased with how the first episode went... I just hope I can keep it up.

All my previous writing tended to be humour based parodies of things, so this series has required a complete change of my writing style - let me know how you think I've done.

Deep in the back burrow

Primrose popped her head round the entrance to the burrow where Blackberry lay curled up.

"Blackberry?", she whispered

Blackberry sighed, but didn't reply. Primrose decided not to pursue the matter and left

Outside, on the down

"How is she?", asked Hazel, as Primrose appeared where he was lieing with Bigwig, Holly, Fiver and Captain Broom

"She's still hiding away down there, but at least she ate the flayrah.", she replied

"I suppose its a start.", replied Hazel, lieing back in the early morning sun

"How's the babies?", he continued to her

"The same as usual. Causing bother no doubt!", replied Primrose, laughing

"Dandelion's taking them out a bit further today.", she continued

"Just tell me when they're old enough. I'll have them in the owsla, then we'll see who causes bother. Discipline is what they need!", scoffed Bigwig

"Couldnt agree more, ma boy. Had a few like that at Redstone. No control over them whatsoever. Left within weeks, as I recall. One of them...", interrupted Captain Broom, before wandering off on another story of his

"Captain Broom's right. They're definately gonna turn out like that.", whispered Bigwig, as Dandelion emerged with Bushthorn hanging on to his tail

"What makes you so sure?", asked Hazel

"They'll take after you. Leaving the warren's exactly what we did. Best thing we ever did if you ask me.", pointed out Bigwig

"Probably...", sighed Hazel

"You dont sound too sure.", questioned Bigwig

"Oh I am! It's just... well, I cant help wondering what happened to Sandleford.", sighed Hazel

"I told you man came! He destroyed everything.", interrupted Holly

"But could they really have got rid of everything? Surely some must have escaped.", asked Hazel

"Well, I dont have much memory of what happened. I only know me and Pimpernel escaped.", spoke Holly

"It's a shame Pimpernel isn't here. He might have been able to remember something you couldnt.", replied Hazel

"Yeah, but thanks to Cowslip not telling us everything, those shining wires got to him first.", continued Bigwig, still not managing to say shining wires without shivering

"Pimpernel's not dead.", spoke Fiver

"What are you talking about?", asked Bigwig, as he and Holly jumped up

"Fiver?", spoke Hazel

"Ohhhhh!", groaned Fiver in reply

"Oh great, hes off again! What's it gonna be this time?", sighed Bigwig

"What is it, ma boy?", asked Captain Broom

"Ohhhh! Danger lurks far and near, the giant Hrududu hides the fear! Ohhhhh!", groaned Fiver before collapsing to the ground

Hazel looked at Bigwig

"You any idea what this one means?", asked Bigwig

"None. What does he mean by a Giant Hrududu? Captain Broom?", replied Hazel, turning to ask Broom

"Never seen many Hrududus in my time. Nasty Brutes. Took down a whole Owsla patrol in one go before. Reminds me of the time...", he replied, starting on another story

"I know what he means!", spoke Holly suddenly

"You do? Well what are you waiting for?", asked Bigwig

"It's back at Sandleford. I told you, my memory of what happened is vague. All I can remember there was a huge yellow hrududu appeared on the first day. Had huge jaws, that it used to carve through the land, and anyone in its way.", replied Holly

"Well, how does this relate to Fiver's vision?", asked Hazel

"I...I dont know!", replied Holly

"Pimpernel's there!", spoke Fiver, awakening

"You're sure?", asked Bigwig

"There are others with him. Its somehow connected with that Hrududu.", continued Fiver

"But how? He was left at Cowslips. How did he end up back at Sandleford?", asked Hazel

"HaHa! He's a true owsla captain. An owsla captain always returns to defend his warren. He must have found out about the shining wires before it was too late.", replied Bigwig

"We must go... find him right away!", shouted Holly, jumping up

"Hold on Holly. We need to think about this.", replied Hazel

"You think all you like. I let him down once, and I'm not going to do it again. I'm going to find him!", shouted Holly, before storming off

"Never a thought for themselves these captains of owsla. Capital! Reminds me of how I used to be. Like the time...", spoke Captain Broom

"I guess we cant abandon Holly either.", sighed Hazel

"Wait!", he shouted after Holly

"We're coming too!", he continued

"Okay, Bigwig. Get Hawkbit, Kehaar and Hannah. They can come along with us. Dandelion can mind the babies with Primrose.", started Hazel, before turning to Captain Broom

"I think its best you stay behind too. It's a long journey, and I dont really think you're up to it.", he continued, as Bigwig disappeared into the warren

"Okay ma boy. I'll stay, Although I tell you I can stand up to more than that. In my day, I once took on a full grown stoat...", started Captain Broom

"Why dont you tell it to the babies?", suggested Hazel, hastily avoiding another life story

Just then Bigwig reappeared with Kehaar and Hawkbit

"Alright lads. Lets get going!", he shouted eagerly


Later that day, in a wood

The group reached a clearing in the wood.

"Keyaaaar!", screeched Kehaar, as he crashed to the ground

"Okay everyone, take a rest. We dont have much further to go.", decided Hazel

"Kehaar?", started Hazel

"Yah?", came the reply, as Kehaar waddled across, with Hannah on his back

"You two fly ahead, and tell us what you can see. That way, we can tell if we're on the right track.", he continued

"Is good, yah!", replied Kehaar, taking off

Hazel then looked back at Fiver, who, as usual, had a worried expression on his face

"What is it Fiver?", he asked

"The journey from Sandleford was a long one. What if I cant remember the way back?", replied Fiver

"Hey, dont worry about it. Thing's are different this time. We also have Captain Holly, who found the way, and Kehaar, who can guide us from the sky.", replied Hazel, reassuring him

"No, but I mean we dont know what we're supposed to be going back to.", continued Fiver

"Whatever happened to Sandleford, Im sure when we get there, we'll still be able to recognise it.", finished Hazel

"Do you think we'll find Pimpernel?", asked Fiver

"I dont know!", replied Hazel

"Oh marvellous! So this could turn out to be a another complete waste of our time.", interrupted Hawkbit

"Oh come on Hawkbit, its not like you have anything better to do.", replied Hazel

"Oh I have lots more important things to do.... like scratch my ear, and sniff the blades of grass!", replied Hawkbit, sarcastically as usual

Bigwig hopped across, and was about to hit Hawkbit, when Kehaar's cry was heard

"Oh good! Here he comes. Better guard your heads everyone, or he'll take it off landing.", sighed Hawkbit

"Keyaaaaarrrghhhh!", screeched Kehaar, crashing into a bush

Hannah ran out

"What did you see?", asked Hazel

"There's a river a short distance in this direction.", replied Hannah, pointing

"Yah, is mighty peeg river!", continued Kehaar, staggering from the bush

"That must be the one we crossed on the journey here, come on!", shouted Bigwig, already running in the direction Hannah had pointed


The river

"This is definitely the same river. After this, we're on the home stretch.", spoke Hazel, dipping his front paws in the water

"Do you think you can swim it this time?", he continued to Fiver

"I'll try.", replied Fiver

"HaHar! A little water never stops an Owsla officer!", laughed Bigwig, jumping into the river

The water, however, turned out to be a little colder than Bigwig had anticipated.

"You alright, Bigwig. You've stopped smiling!", laughed Hazel

"F... fine, thank you!", replied Bigwig, defiantly

"Oh wonderful! If the great Bigwig doesnt like the water, we must all be doomed!", snorted Hawkbit

"I...I'm going to cuff you round the ears when we g... get to the other side!", replied Bigwig

"Well then, we'd best get swimming everyone.", decided Hazel, jumping in to join Bigwig


That night

There was no moon that night, so the woodland was eerily dark

"Well, we're here. We should be able to see Sandleford from over the next hill.", spoke Hazel, looking out of the wood across a field

"We'll be able to see it next frith-rise. I cant wait to be back!", continued Bigwig

"B..But we must go now! Pimpernel's in danger. He might not be able to wait until morning!", stuttered Holly

"No. We'll have to wait until the morning now. The elil are out. We'd never make it across an open field.", replied Bigwig

"Bigwig's right. Let's find cover until the morning.", finished Hazel

"Well, Im going now, whether you come or not!", replied Holly, hopping out into the field

"Holly, get back into the wood. It's too dangerous. That's an order!", shouted Bigwig

"Order me all you like. We're back at Sandleford. Technically I outrank you here remember!", retorted Holly, turning round

He turned back to the field, and was about to continue, when an owl suddenly came swooping out of one of the trees on the outskirts of the wood

"Holly, watch out!", shouted Hazel, as they all dived for cover

Holly tried to run, but found nowhere to hide. The owl grabbed him, and lifted him off the ground

"What are we going to do, Hazel?", whispered Fiver, as the owl hovered with Holly

"What can we do?", replied Hazel

"There's no way we can take her on!", continued Bigwig

"Let me go!!", shouted Holly, kicking at the owl. It made no difference, however

"Leeeve him alone!!", shouted Kehaar, flying in, and pecking at the owl

"Yeah, go pick on someone else ya big bully!", shouted Hannah, standing on Kehaar, and throwing acorns at the owl

The owl screeched, and dropped Holly back down on the ground

"Stupid creeture!", shouted Kehaar, landing

"Well done you two. You saved Holly's life! I dont know what we'd do without you!", congratulated Bigwig

"A compliment from Bigwig. There's something you dont see very often.", laughed Hannah

"Now come on, lets gets into some cover, before she comes back. We can work out our next move when frith rises.", decided Hazel

Holly, reluctantly followed the rest


Next morning

Hawkbit awoke to see Frith appearing over the hilltop. He looked around. Everyone else was already up at morning Silflay

"Thank's for waking me up!", he shouted, jumping up

"But you looked so peaceful just lieing there!", replied Hazel

"I'd have been a lot more peaceful if that blasted owl had come back!", replied Hawkbit

"Anyway, it was nice to get rid of his sarcasm for a while!", whispered Hazel to Bigwig

"Okay, listen up everyone. We're going to get moving. Sandleford's just over the next hill.", decided Hazel

"But, I haven't eaten yet!", protested Hawkbit

"I guess you should have been up earlier then! Get moving!", shouted Bigwig

Hawkbit grumbled, and quickly grabbed a mouthful of grass as they entered the field.

Everyone ran off apart from Fiver

"What is it, Fiver?", asked Hazel

"I'm worried as to what's going to have happened to Sandleford.", shivered Fiver

"Holly told us man destroyed everything. So they got rid of the warren. No doubt some escaped, and managed to rebuild something.", replied Hazel

"We're nearly back lads!", shouted Bigwig, excitedly running up the hill

"Oh woopee!", mumbled Hawkbit, miserably

"Come on Fiver, you're not remembering what Frith said to Elahrairah. Be Cunning and Full of Tricks, and your people shall never be destroyed!", spoke Hazel to Fiver

Fiver smiled, and the two of them ran towards the hill. By now Holly and Bigwig had reached the summit. As they looked out, they both froze.

"What is it?", shouted Hazel, as he and Fiver caught up with where the rest of the rabbits were standing

"It's worse than we thought, Hazel!", spoke Bigwig, as they looked out across a newly built housing estate. Behind that were some small factories, churning out clouds of grey smoke

"This your old home. Is crazy, ya ya ya!", screeched Kehaar

"This cant be Sandleford, surely!", shouted Bigwig

"It is!", replied Fiver, shivering

"And you mean to tell me, Pimpernel's still running somewhere in this mess!", asked Holly, with a tear in his eye

"He's somewhere here!", replied Fiver

"Oh, well that narrows it down a bit!", sighed Hawkbit

"How are we ever going to find him?", asked Bigwig

"Lets get down there, and take a look!", decided Hazel

"Everyone stay close. We dont want to lose anyone in this place!", continued Bigwig

They reached the bottom of the hill, and ran into an alley between two gardens.

"We're here, and I dont see any sign of Pimpernel, so I say we go!", shouted Hawkbit, already turning round

Bigwig stood in his way

"Fiver saw something about a giant Hrududu? Why dont you and Hannah see if you can find it?", suggested Hazel

"It smells safe enough here. We'll wait here until you get back!", he continued, sniffing the air

Hannah nodded, before Kehaar lifted into the air.

"I wish we'd brought Dandelion along with us now!", sighed Hazel

"Why? What good would that do?", replied Hawkbit

"Well if he was here, this would have been the perfect time for a story to pass the time.", continued Hazel

"Unless anybody else knows any good stories to tell.", he questioned

"I got a good 'un. Its about these crazy rabbits, who go to where man is, risking life and limb, to look for someone they dont even know is there.", Started Hawkbit

"Oh shut up, Hawkbit!", replied Hazel

"Wait..", interrupted Bigwig

"Man. Nearby! SCATTER!!", he shouted, at which they all dived for cover in some bushes in the surrounding gardens

"Garrggh!!", grumbled Hazel, as a hand pushed through the bush and grabbed him by the scruff of his neck

"Hazel!!", shouted Bigwig, as a little girl held Hazel in the air


Okay, the first ever cliffhanger episode. Dont worry, its only another 2 and a half weeks until the next part. (Well, it was when I originally wrote this, but the next part is now online anyway).

Thoughts and Opinions always welcome =:) - Guestbook / email


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