4th Water

Episode 4.13 - Struggle For Efrafa (Development Version)


The Watership Down series belongs to Alltime and Decode Entertainment. The original characters were the work of Richard Adams, however, many of the characters in the series were changed, and these belong to Alltime/Decode. I am just borrowing the characters for this fansite, and I mean no-one any harm by this. I am in no way connected with any of the companies mentioned above.

This is supposed to be a fanfic fourth series, continuing on from my Virtual 3rd series, rather than continuing from the official series 3. It is in no way supposed to detract from the official third series. When I originally planned out my third series, I never knew of the existance of the official one. As it has never, and doesn't look as though it ever will be, aired in the UK, I decided to write an alternative series, continuing on from where series 2 (The Homecoming) left off. By the time I started 4th Water, I had an idea of what happens in some of the official third series, hence some of it (but not all) has been planned to try and avoid sounding too similar.

All characters are completely fictitious and any resemblance to any persons either living or dead is purely coincidental. If anyone has any problems with this episode, they are advised to contact the webmaster on [email protected].


Writer's notes:

This was the original joined version of episodes 13 and 14 as it appeared shortly before episode 13 went online. It's about 2/3 of the way through the first part, and about 1/4 of the second. (rough estimates). Where scenes haven't been filled in yet, notes have often been added.

Just a warning before I continue; this hasn't been checked for silly mistakes as carefully as would have happened before publishing the episode. I know this is particularly true of the actual planning sentences, as they were typed quickly whilst stuff was fresh in the mind, and were always intended to be deleted anyway.

Previously on Watership Down

Insert recap of last eppy


Deep in the burrows, on Watership Down

Fiver lay silent and still in his burrow as Hazel, Bigwig and several others stood nearby. Attempts to wake him had failed, so now the others could only wait anxiously for him to awake. A few hours had passed since Hazel and Bigwig had arrived back from the aborted trip to Redstone warren. By the time they had arrived back, Fiver had already fallen into his peaceful state, although tales from the other rabbits informed Hazel that prior to that he had been struggling wildly, and making bloodcurdling noises. The very thought of it made Hazel shiver.


*** scene with Strawberr.y reminds him of shining wire warren*


"Fiver?", started Hazel, as himself and Strawberry ran across to where the others were gathered. Fiver blinked as he opened his eyes, before looking around him. "Are you okay?", continued Hazel.

"I think so.", replied Fiver, before shivering.

"What happened? What did you see?", asked Bigwig.

"Nothing, Bigwig. I couldn't see a thing. I could just feel a... a terrible pain but, oh I don't know.", replied Fiver hesitating, "It was almost as though it was something from the past.". Bigwig and Hazel looked at one another, but neither of them spoke.

Meanwhile, Just outside Efrafa

Vervain was busy digging just underneath the barbed wire fence just above Efrafa's main entrance. It was clear from his clumsy foot action that the only thing they were good for was running away at the slightest sniff of danger. Trying to clear some soil, he suddenly slid back again.

"Oh, I shouldn't be doing this. Digging is for the slaves.", he muttered to himself.

"Is something wrong Vervain?", asked another rabbit appearing from the cover of the forest.

"Don't sneak up on me like that!", screeched Vervain, jumping back in shock. "N..no nothing at all.", he continued, calming his speech down again to answer the question.

"What are you doing up here?", asked the other rabbit.

"Me? I...I was just checking the wire here.", replied Vervain.

"What's wrong with it?", continued the other rabbit.

"I don't think it looks too stable myself.", replied Vervain, before trying to hold back an evil smile, "I've tried talking to Campion-rah about it, but he just says I'm being silly."

"He's becoming a lot less concerned about safety lately. Elil attacking the warren, things collapsing. Perhaps there's something we don't know about.", replied the other rabbit, walking off.

"Yes", smiled Vervain, "Perhaps there is."

Just then one of the fenceposts on the barbed wire fence slid forward ever so slightly.

"And that looks just about ready too.", finished Vervain.


Soon on Watership Down

"I still don't think it's a good idea Hazel.", started Bigwig.

"Fiver insists on coming Bigwig. I suggested he stay here, but he still feels guilty about dragging us back in the first place.", replied Hazel.

Bigwig sighed. He hadn't been in any rush to go back to Redstone, but Fiver had been unusually insistent. Although he didn't know why, he was sure there was some reason they needed to be there as soon as possible. It was only because of the rainclouds gathering overhead that Bigwig had persuaded Fiver they should wait unti later. They were to set out as soon as the weather cleared.

"I suppose he'll be alright as long as we're all with him.", smiled Bigwig, still not entirely convinced.

"It's a shame about the weather though.", he continued, looking at the sky, "Frith was looking so promising this morning too."

"Everything can change before Frith sets in the sky Bigwig.", replied Hazel.


***something with Vervain***



** set up scene -vervain unhappy in rain*

"I suppose it's the last time I shall have to do this. Once I am the Supreme Captain of Owsla, I'll never have to work again. I can tell them what to do all day long! Then I'll show Campion. He won't...", he continued, trailing off into inaudible mumbling at the end, as he started to move again.

The scent of a fox in the distance caught his senses. By now well trained in leading elil down on the warren, Vervain began to leave his trail.

"There must be more of my scent on these trees than leaves now.", he continued to grumble to himself.

"More elil in the warren.... Parts of the it collapsing. Campion will be out of Efrafa by this moon!", he finished, before breaking into his beloved laugh.


*mudslide - campion rescue him*


Vervain lay on the ground panting for breath, as Campion collapsed next to him with exhaustion.

"Y...you saved my... life.", panted Vervain, his voice full of disbelief.

"Please... don't remind me... Vervain.", replied Campion.

"B... but why? You should hate me!", squeaked Vervain.

"We may not see eye to eye on everything Vervain, but it doesn't change the fact that you're a rabbit of this warren. You're one of us, and always will be.", replied Campion, standing up. As Campion looked in the opposite direction, Vervain stared at him. For once he genuinely didn't know what to say. For all he worshipped the General, Woundwort had never once accepted him as an equal, nor said a single kind word about him.

"I still don't know what caused this to collapse. It's stood up to worse rain than this before.", sighed Campion, looking at the pile of mud. Vervain's pawprints had already washed away from it under the heavy rain.

"C... Campion-rah.", started Vervain nervously, before hesitating, "There's something I think you need to know.", he continued.

"What's going on out here, sir!", interrupted Moss, emerging from the warren entrance with several other rabbits.

"A section of the outer wall collapsed with the rain. Don't worry, we'll be fine now.", replied Campion.

"Hey, I know about this section. It's been unstable for days, but you wouldn't do anything about it.", added one of the other rabbits.

"What!? That's silly. If there'd been a problem, I'd have known about it, and fixed it. This was caused by the rain, right Vervain?", replied Campion. He paused waiting for a reply, but none came.

"Right Vervain?", he repeated, turning to face the black rabbit next to him. Vervain paused before replying.

"It's been like this for ages, but you wouldn't do anything about it! Thanks to you, the Black Rabbit of Inlé nearly took me.", replied Vervain. Despite in his heart being less convinced than he had ever been about what he was now doing, externally he looked more convincing than ever.

"I should have let him take you, you filthy flea-bitten excuse for a rabbit!", growled Campion, before trying to lunge at Vervain. Vervain cowered to the ground and whimpered, as Campion found himself held back by 3 of his Owsla.

"Now he's even attacking me for no reason!", squeaked Vervain.

"He's gone mad with power!", shouted one of the other rabbits. Several other rabbits made noises in agreement.

"Now hold on a tick, mates!", shouted Moss, turning round to face all of them, "A tiny bit of mud falls in due to the rain. Now you're gonna believe Vervain, the snivelling coward who lies at any chance, over honest Campion, who has kept the warren safe from elil? It don't sound too clever to me!"

The group started muttering to one another again. "Captain Moss is right you know.", Vervain managed to overhear them say, causing him to growl under his breath.

"Elil! Elil!", came a sudden screech from the woods.

Everyone looked at the source of the noise, just in time to see one of the former slaves come running out.

"A homba! There was a homba near the edge of the woods.", he panted, calming as he joined the large group of rabbits.

"Not again! We haven't seen any sign of them for seasons, then in the last few moons they've all come at once.", replied Mudwort.

"You see, it... it's all Campion's doing!", continued Vervain, although no one seemed to listen.

"Is it heading this way?", asked Campion.

"I managed to lose him, but I think he's picked up the trail of rabbits.", came the reply.

"Moss, assemble the Owsla. We'll drive this one away.", decided Campion, as the other rabbits let go of him, "I'll deal with you later, Vervain.".



Moss led a group of 7 rabbits as they crept stealthily through the forest.

"What are we to do when we find it?", asked one of the rabbits.

"We're gonna ambush him mate. So long as we surprise him, he won't stand a chance.", replied Moss

"What if he surprises us?", asked another of the rabbits.

"Then we...", started Moss, before he was interrupted by the fox jumping out of the cover of a nearby bush, "Scatter!!!".

Before he'd even finished the word, all the rabbits had already disappeared in different directions.


*** Interstitial Scene ***




****** Dealing with fox - Vervain helps Moss die *******

****** Campion driven out ******


"What happened?", asked Campion, running out with several other rabbits to meet the injured Owsla.

"It's Moss, sir!", started one of the returning officers.

"No!", replied Campion, picking up on the solemn look on their faces.

"The Homba got him, sir.", continued.

"B.. but how. He's one of the cleverest rabbits, and fastest runners we have!", replied Campion.

"He must have been hurt.", suggested Mudwort.

"He's been hurt for a long time. Injured his back leg digging last moon.", started Vervain.

"Campion knew about it too!", he continued.

"What!? That's rediculous Ver...", started Campion, before Vervain interrupted.

"Captain Moss was one of the best rabbits I knew. Campion sent him to the Black Rabbit of Inlé, just like he's going to do to all of us.", shouted Vervain.

"Get him!", shouted Mudwort.

"Kill him!", added another.

"You can't be serious!", shouted Campion, before he was knocked to the ground by one of the Owsla.

"This is all a lie. You're all listening to Vervain!", continued Campion.

"We've seen it with our own eyes Campion. You're no chief rabbit! You sent one of our bravest captains to his death.", replied Mudwort, drawing his claw across Campion's shoulder.

Campion winced in pain, before stepping back from them. He looked around to find himself cornered, as the Owsla slowly advanced on him. He quickly looked behind him. The only way out was through the softened mud he had pulled Vervain from earlier.

"You won't get away with this Vervain!", shouted Campion over the crowd of rabbits at Vervain, who remained in the background smiling.

"Charge!!", shouted Mudwort.

Without hesitating any longer, Campion leapt onto the mud, and tried to run. He felt his hind legs pull into the mud, however his front ones settled on the solid surface of the collapsed fencepost. Using that to his advantage, he pulled his hind legs free, before leaping for the top of the bank. His front paws found solid ground, whilst the force of his jump sent the loose fencepost to the bottom of the Efrafan embankment.

"He's getting away!", shouted Vervain, as the other officers jumped back to avoid the barbed wire attached to the fencepost hitting the ground. "Get after him!"

"Let him go. He's caused us enough misery today. He knows what'll happen if he dares show his tail around here again!", finished Mudwort. Vervain growled to himself, as the other rabbits headed for the entrance.

"What's going on out here?", asked Blackberry, appearing in the entrance way. The other rabbits all stopped, "Where's Campion?".

"Oh, Campion won't be a problem round here anymore Blackberry.", replied Vervain.

"What have you done to him Vervain!", she screeched at him.

"I haven't done anything. He couldn't face the shame of what he'd done to poor Captain Moss, so he ran, like all cowards.", replied Vervain, feigning sadness as he talked of Moss.

"You're a liar! Campion would never abandon the warren!", Blackberry barked back at her.

"Believe what you like Blackberry, but everyone else knows the truth. It was them who decided he was no longer fit to be chief.", replied Vervain.

Blackberry ran out, causing Vervain to cower. Much to his relief, she ran past him and headed for the edge of the Efrafan valley.

"I'll get you for this Vervain. I'll find Campion!", she screeched over her shoulder.


**** BB tries to attack Vervain. woundwort appers before she reaches him***


"No, no! It can't be!", she started.

"I...it's the General!", shouted Mudwort from the entrance to the warren. All around the warren, the Redstone rabbits emerged from the cover of the bushes, with Woundwort and Cowslip in the centre.

"W... what's going on. H... he's dead!", stuttered one of the Owsla rabbits.

"H...he must be working for the Black Rabbit of Inlé!", shivered one of the others.

"Advance!", shouted Woundwort.

"What do we do?", whispered one of the bucks.

"Do we fight him?", replied the other. None of the Efrafans spoke or moved as Woundwort moved closer to them. Eventually, when he was only a Bobstones throw away, Blackberry spoke.

"What have you done with Campion, Woundwort?", she growled.

"What has Campion done with you all?", replied Woundwort. Nobody else dared to speak.

"Look at what you've become. You couldn't fight a mouse, let alone defend a warren.", he continued, "Efrafa has become weak! You've all become weak without me!".

"We don't need you Woundwort. Our chief makes sure the warren is safe from all danger!", replied Mudwort.

"Really? I thought you'd killed your chief, just like he tried to kill you all.", continued Woundwort.

"Campion has left Efrafa yes, but...", started Mudwort.

"He's.... left? You mean you didn't kill him!?", growled Woundwort, glaring threateningly at Vervain.

"er... sir...", started Vervain.

"Pah, it's not important! He's still gone and left! You don't have anyone to help bring order to this mess. Only I can save you all.", snorted Woundwort.

"Vervain is our chief now!", added one of the other bucks.

"Huh!?", squeaked Vervain.

"Really Vervain.", questioned Woundwort bringing his face closer to Vervain, who unsurprisingly cowered back.

"No, no! Sir! It's not true!", he squeaked.

"If you are, then I'd have to kill you first.", continued Woundwort.

Just then, movement was heard from the woodland behind Efrafa's main entrance. Vervain siezed the chance to bury himself in the crowd of rabbits. Woundwort wasn't interested in Vervain though. He sniffed the air..

"Homba! Along the edge of the woodland.", he whispered.

"Witness the true power of Woundwort!", he then shouted, charging up the embankment towards the forest.

"He's mad!", whispered Mudwort, as a struggle could be heard from the cover.

"Some said I was mad. Is anybody really mad though, or is it just an illusion, to pull the cover over our senses, taking us into a world of dandelions?", spoke Cowslip.

Several of the Efrafans stared blankly at Cowslip.

Words of, "What in Frith's name was that supposed to mean?", resonated throughout the Efrafan group. Perhaps someone would have asked, were it not for Woundwort jumping back down into the valley at that point, his face covered with someone else's blood.

"The homba won't be bothering us again!", he shouted calmly, bearly out of breath.

"All hail General Woundwort! His glory is ours!", shouted Vervain, crawling on the floor. He glanced out of the corner of his eye to see if any other Efrafans were following his example. They weren't!

"With my return to the warren, we'll be strong once more!", shouted Woundwort, standing up on his hind legs.

"No, Woundwort! We've seen freedom now. We'll never trade our freedom for safety again!", shouted back one of the bucks.

"Did I mention, you don't have a choice in this?", continued Woundwort.

"Attack!", he shouted. Although the few rabbits of Cowslip began to move forward, the rest of his army from Redstone remained still. Woundwort turned round.

"Do I have to repeat myself?", he growled.

"No Woundwort. We'll never listen to you. We will always fight you!", replied one of the Redstoners. Woundwort sighed before replying.

"Somehow, that doesn't worry me.", he spoke, recalling how pathetic they had been in defending their own warren. "I don't need you anyway. I've been in Efrafa before. I know can take you all on! Come on, Who will dare to challenge me!?", he shouted.

Nobody answered, however 3 of the Efrafan Owsla lunged forward, pinning Woundwort to the ground. For a brief second Woundwort appeared to struggle, before throwing them back, narrowly missing Vervain as he did so. Vervain just squeaked.

"Anyone who wants to argue will die. Those who respect me will live in safety!", he shouted.

Woundwort stared at the group, waiting for someone else to challenge him. Eventually one of them slowly stepped forward. He dropped to the ground in front of the General.

"My chief. I am forever at your service.", he grumbled. Vervain smiled as he saw several other officers follow his example.

"No, you can't! Think of what Campion did to break the warren free of his rule.", screeched Blackberry.

"Campion has gone Blackberry. Live with it!", shouted Vervain.

"Take her underground!", shouted Woundwort. "And take this pathetic bunch of traitors with you!", he shouted, indicating towards the Redstone rabbits. At that, several of them tried to turn and run, however Cowslip's rabbits were able to head them off. Woundwort watched as everyone disappeared underground, leaving only himself and Cowslip in the open.

"Vervain!!", shouted the General, as Vervain tried to quietly sneak in with the rest. Vervain stopped and fearfully turned his head, "I want a word with you."

"Y...yes sir!", replied Vervain, pinning his ears back and staying low to the ground as he approached Woundwort.

"I thought I told you I wanted rid of Campion. That meant I wanted him dead Vervain!", growled Woundwort.

"I...I...I tried sir. H...he managed to escape.", stuttered Vervain.

"It's not important now though.", replied Woundwort, much to Vervain's relief. "Ready the army. We shall invade Hazel's Warren!".

"What, now? Are you sure that's wise sir?", asked Vervain.

"Are you questioning my judgement?", growled Woundwort.

"N... no, of course not General. I... I just thought you should make sure they won't betray you first. You saw what those Redstone rabbits were like.", whimpered Vervain.

"That is because those rabbits still believed they could stop me. The Efrafan rabbits know I am unstoppable. Although they won't admit it, they also want me here, as I am all that keeps this place together.", shouted Woundwort, before pausing to think. "If Campion has escaped too, he may be able to warn Hazel and his Outsiders."

"Oh, I wouldn't worry about that General.", smiled Woundwort, "The way Campion's shoulder was when he left here, he won't be able to get anywhere fast. I wouldn't be surprised to find he's already met with the Black Rabbit."

Woundwort paused to think.

"An extra moon to think and train, can bring many seasons of loyalty, General.", added Cowslip.

"Very well. We shall go with Cowslip's plan instead. We attack Watership Down at dawn. Until then, we train. I want this Owsla as loyal and strong as I remember it by then!", finished Woundwort, heading for the entrance. Cowslip followed shortly afterwards, leaving only Vervain standing outside.

"C... Cowslip's plan? B... But it was my idea!", squeaked Vervain, although nobody heard him. Still grumbling, he followed the others indoors.


woundwort takes army - sends vervain to dig under caverns with a few

need someway to ensure loyalty from redstoners



As ordered, Vervain had made his way to the blocked off passage with several of the other Efrafan officers. They had progressed no further than that however. With each passing minute, Vervain was becoming increasingly nervous.

"Still no sign of a way through. It's all solid rock, Vervain.", spoke one of the officers, running up to him.

"There must be a gap somewhere. If it were solid rock, there's no way Campion could have escaped the rock collapse.", growled Vervain angrilly.

"If we don't find a way, Woundwort will kill us.", he mumbled quietly to himself.

"We've been searching here for ages Vervain. If there was anywhere we could dig, we'd have found it by now!", added another one of the Efrafans, as more and more of them stopped their searching and joined him.

"Gah!", grumbled Vervain, angrilly kicking the infamous hanging rock that had once so nearly killed Campion. He'd failed to anticipate just how unstable the caverns were, and dived out of the way as the force of the kick caused several other rocks to collapse.

"Idiot! Now look what you've done!", squeaked Vervain with his paws over his eyes, as the dust settled.

"Look Vervain!", shouted one of the others. Vervain cautiously uncovered one eye to take a look. Where the rocks had fallen, a small gap had been cleared next to the hanging rock.

"There's soft ground beneath it. We might be able to dig through.", came a voice.

"er... Precisely! When the General asks, let us not forget who solved the problem.", replied Vervain, starting to smile.

"I suppose you all thought I brought those rocks down by accident, didn't you! It's just as well one of us has a clue what he's doing!", he continued, standing up again.

Vervain glanced around as several of the other rabbits looked back suspiciously at him.

"Well, what are you waiting for!", he shouted, "Get digging!"


Hazel Fiver and Bigigw reach redstone

find destruction

run back to wd




Hazel, Bigwig and Fiver arrive back at WD.

Fiver has another vision 'something from below'.

Vervain underground with other officers digging.

Others worried about cave in. Decide to leave

Vervain refuses. keeps digging by himself

Heard noise from back burrows

Go to investigate

Screams from outside

Woundwort's voice - attack

"Get everyine into side burrows Clover. you watch the kittens" - HAzel order



Has to collapse - timing

"Help me!" - vervain

"Sir, Vervain's down there"

"Leave him. he's of no use to me now!"

rocks close on vervain bigwig and hazel

series ending***


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