3rd Water

Episode 3.13 - Worlds Apart, Together


The Watership Down series belongs to Alltime and Decode Entertainment. The original characters were the work of Richard Adams, however, many of the characters in the series were changed, and these belong to Alltime/Decode. I am just borrowing the characters for this fansite, and I mean no-one any harm by this. This is supposed to a be virtual third series, and is in no way supposed to detract from the official third series. When I originally planned out my third series, I never knew of the existance of the official third series. As it has never, and doesn't look as though it ever will be, aired in the UK, I decided to write an alternative series, continuing on from where series 2 (The Homecoming) left off. I am in no way connected with any of the companies mentioned above.

All characters are completely fictitious and any resemblance to any persons either living or dead is purely coincidental. If anyone has any problems with this episode, they are advised to contact the webmaster on [email protected].


Writer's notes:

Well, here it is. After 6 months, and 13 episodes (well 14 if you get technical!), the 3rd Water series finale is finally upon us. I only get one chance at this, so I'm going to try my best to make it one of the best so far. Wish me luck...

Previously on Watership Down

Hazel sighed, before beginning to speak to Blackberry

"It's Campion. Fiver thinks he might still be alive.", started Hazel

"Which is where Bigwig comes in. We were searching in Efrafa, when Woundwort managed to capture him.", continued Fiver

"Who knows what they're doing to him now.", finished Hazel

Blackberry bravely held back the tears

"We have to get him out of there. Now!", she shouted

"er... we did kno...", started Hawkbit

"So what have we come up with so far.", interrupted Blackberry

"Not much. Everything we can think of is something the Efrafans are likely to anticipate. We cant just run for it, as we'd never get far enough, and we cant fight...", continued Hazel

"Then we have to do something that will slow them without fail.", interrupted Blackberry


"So let's make things easier for you. Tell me where the warren is, and I'll let those in it live.", finished Woundwort

"I would hardly call the way you treat the rabbits here as living.", replied Bigwig

Woundwort jumped down from the ledge and grabbed Bigwig by the throat. Vervain backed off

"Tell me where it is!", he shouted

Bigwig sighed...

"In the Garden of Frith. A lovely place, where...", started Bigwig, before Woundwort struck him across the face

Bigwig winced at the deep gash on his face, before turning back to meet the General's stare

"Get him back to his cell now, before I kill him!", shouted Woundwort


"Do I really have to do this Hazel?", asked Dandelion

"You're the only one of us they dont know well enough to recognise.", replied Hazel

"I know, I just mean are you sure this will work?", he continued, talking quietly, so Blackberry wouldn't hear

"It's not the best plan she's ever come up with, but it's the best we have. I really think it could work.", replied Hazel

"Shh... There she is.", whispered Hawkbit, pointing at a fox sniffing the air cautiously


"Elil! Elil!", came a cry from nearby suddenly

Distracted for a moment, the officer loosened his grip on Dandelion

"Now!", shouted Bigwig, knocking down all 3 off the officers in one go, before running as fast as his legs would carry him with Dandelion

"When we get out. Turn right, not left.", shouted Dandelion

"What's going on?", shouted Woundwort, appearing just outside Efrafa, where several rabbits were running about in panic

"There's a fox sir. A fox attacking the warren!", replied Moss

"Rally the Hindmark. Attack it as a group!", shouted Woundwort, as Dandelion and Bigwig ran past

"Runner! Runner!!", came the 3 guards shortly afterwards


"Where's Kehaar? I want to thank him for all his help.", spoke Hazel

"He isn't back yet.", replied Fiver

"Odd.", replied Hazel

Bigwig bounded into the warren, as everyone else followed

"That's right. Enjoy it while you can outsiders, because it wont last much longer.", mumbled Vervain, watching from the bushes at the foot of the down, before bursting into an evil laugh

The following Morning, on the Down

"Any sign of him yet?", asked Hazel, bounding with Bigwig into Kehaar's burrow, where Hannah was sat

"No. Hasn't been back all night.", replied Hannah

Hazel sighed before turning to Bigwig

"What do you suggest we do, Bigwig?", he asked

"I say we do nothing. He often disappears like this. He'll be back soon.", replied Bigwig

"But he hasn't been seen since he was in Efrafa. Perhaps they've caught him.", suggested Hazel

"Those Efrafans couldn't catch Yona the Hedgehog even if they had every officer in Efrafa working on it. Do you really think they could catch him?", asked Bigwig

"I know it seems unlikely, but who knows what Woundwort is up to.", replied Hazel

"Besides. What good is Kehaar to Woundwort. He wont tell anything, and he's hardly going to fly on scouting missions for them. What benefit does holding him have to the Efrafans?", asked Bigwig

"Woundwort works in devious ways Bigwig. You know that!", pointed out Hannah

Bigwig sighed

"Fair enough. If he's not back by the time Frith is high in the sky, I'll take the Owsla on a scouting mission to Efrafa.", finished Bigwig, before walking away

"Seems I cant get away from that place these days!", he sighed to himself


Deep in Efrafa

"We surround the warren in 4 groups. We can leave no escape for the outsiders.", started Woundwort

"Moss, Vervain and Bindweed. You will lead the other 3 marks. I will lead the fourth. We will crush that warren!", he shouted, at which the assembled Efrafan army cheered

"Today will be a glorious day for war. A glorious day for Efrafa!", he continued, arousing more cheering from the army

"Everyone move out! We attack just after ni-Frith!", he finished, at which they all began to move out

"Ooouch!!", yelped Vervain, as Kehaar's beak poked out of a gap between the rocks blocking his cell, and stabbed him

"How long do we have to keep hold of him for. He's really trying my patience!", moaned Vervain, rubbing his front leg

"Not much longer. Once our assualt on the warren is finished, we'll let him out. We shall have no use for him then!", replied Woundwort

"You no as smart as you think. Hayzel already know your plan, and he stop you yah! I promise!", squawked Kehaar

Woundwort pushed the beak back into the cell

"If that's so, where is he? He hasn't come here looking for you. Your friends have no idea whats coming, and without you, by the time they realise it'll be too late!", he replied

"Let us go my warriors!", he finished

Back at the Down

"It'll be ni-frith soon.", spoke Hazel

"I know, and like I promised, we'll go and take a look. Stop worrying.", replied Bigwig

"I dont know Bigwig. Something doesn't feel right.", continued Hazel

"Hey, we have enough with Fiver. Dont you start as well.", laughed Bigwig

At that moment Primrose, Fiver and Hawkbit joined them. Fiver shivered

"Is something wrong?", asked Hazel

"I don't know. I just... felt something. As though something is approaching us.", replied Fiver

"Maybe it's Kehaar finally returning. Boy, he'll have some explaining to do when he gets back.", spoke Bigwig

"How's Blackberry?", Hazel asked Primrose

"I'm not sure Hazel. She's acting really strange. She keeps pretending to be okay. I'm sure it's just an act though.", replied Primrose

"Can things get any worse?", sighed Hazel

"The evil overshadows the world so bleak, The Flower of Spring grows ever weak.", groaned Fiver suddenly, before collapsing to the ground

"Did you REALLY have to say that Hazel!", replied Hawkbit

"We'd best get him back underground.", decided Hazel

Primrose, Hawkbit and Fiver started to drag Fiver away

"Wait!", shouted Bigwig

"What is it?", replied Hazel

"Do you hear something?", he continued

Hazel moved closer to the edge of the Down, where Bigwig was stood, to listen. There was a low groaning noise

"It sounds like it's coming from the bushes at the foot of the down!", whispered Bigwig

"Haaazzelll!!", came a voice from the bottom of the down

Primrose ran to join them

"That sounded like...", she started, before a brown rabbit crawled from the bush and collapsed to the ground

"...Campion!", she finished

"What!", shouted Hawkbit, dropping Fiver on the ground and running across

"Huh...", yawned Fiver, waking up

"Come on!", shouted Bigwig, heading downhill first, with the other rabbits closely behind

"You were right all along lad.", he continued, as Fiver followed, unaware of what all the fuss was about

"Campion!", shouted Bigwig, arriving first

Campion tried to stand up, before collapsing back to the ground unconscious

"It's alright. Dont strain yourself.", continued Bigwig, supporting Campion from the left

"Help me get him back to the Down.", he shouted, as Hazel and Hawkbit supported Campion from the other side

"Fiver, run ahead. Tell everyone what's happening!", he shouted

"And bring Blackberry!", he continued as Fiver turned to run

Soon, in the Honeycomb

"He looks terrible.", sighed Hawkbit, as several of the Watership rabbits stood crowded around the bedraggled Efrafan Captain. He lay there motionless, with Blackberry curled up next to him to try and keep him warm.

"What do you expect? I doubt he's been enjoying himself these past few months.", replied Hazel

"I brought some more flayrah.", spoke Gooseberry, joining them

At that moment, Campion stirred

"I think he's coming round!", screeched Blackberry

Campion slowly opened his eyes

"Welcome back.", started Hazel

Campion tried to stand up, but collapsed back to the ground with exhaustion

"Take it easy. There's no hurry!", continued Bigwig

"No hurry! There's every hurry!", started Campion

Bigwig looked back at him confusedly

"Woundwort's going to attack. He knows where to find the warren overland!", choked Campion, his voice showing signs of the suffering he'd endured over the past season

"Impossible!", replied Bigwig

"Vervain tracked you back last moon. I saw the whole thing from the caverns. Woundwort had this all planned. I managed to follow Vervain's tracks to find you.", continued Campion

"If Vervain had been following us I'm sure Keha...", started Bigwig, before tailing off as he came to Kehaar's name

"That's what's going on! The Efrafans do have him, dont they!", shouted Hazel

"Yes! They've taken him back to Efrafa. Woundwort didn't want you to have any warning he was coming!", replied Campion

"Didn't count on you though, did he?", pointed out Bigwig

"Do you know when he's going to attack?", asked Hazel

"From what I heard, it's going to be before fu Inlé!", replied Campion, before coughing

Campion tried to lift his head again, but failed

"Relax. You need to rest! We'll worry about this.", spoke Hazel, before realising Campion had dropped off again

"The Darkness comes to take us all....", started Fiver

"...again!", muttered Hawkbit under his breath

"What are we going to do, Bigwig?", asked Hazel. Bigwig paused briefly to ponder the question

"If I know Woundwort, he'll attack the warren from all sides. This isn't going to be like the last time Hazel. We have no choice but to fight them on all fronts.", he eventually replied

"We're going to need help!", replied Hazel

"What are you suggesting?", asked Bigwig

"We go to Redstone. Get as many fighting rabbits as we can to help.", decided Hazel

"Do we have enough time?", asked Hawkbit

"Well they cant be too close. Fiver would have sensed something.", replied Hazel

"He cant sense everything though.", pointed out Hawkbit

"It's a risk we're going to have to take. We dont have much choice.", replied Hazel

"We could take a different route to Redstone. Out the back of the Down. It'll be longer, but there's less chance we'll bump into the Efrafans.", suggested Bigwig

"I'll trust your judgement on this one Bigwig. Okay, Everybody come with us. We dont want to split up.", decided Hazel

"Campion isn't in a fit state to move though, and if he isn't moving, neither am I.", replied Blackberry

"Okay, Holly can stay behind with you, Campion and the Kittens in case they attack before we get back.", finished Hazel



"There it is, sir. The outsiders warren. And I found it!", squeaked Vervain excitedly, pointing at the shape of the down in the distance

"What do you want. An award?", Woundwort snorted back

"I...if the General wishes to...", started Vervain

"Captains, take your mark and surround the warren.", interrupted Woundwort

"Sir, look!", shouted Moss suddenly

Woundwort looked back at the down to see the shape of the rabbits moving away towards the back of the down

"Do you think they know?", continued Moss

"Impossible! I was so cunning that not even El-ahrairah would have heard me last night.", replied Vervain

"Apart from when you started laughin...", pointed out one of the officers under Vervain's control, before Vervain silenced him by subtlely stamping on his foot

"That must be early every rabbit in the warren leaving, sir! I cant see any reason why they'd do that unless they know we're coming.", continued Moss

"Well, it means there'll be fewer rabbits to fight once we get there. Should be easy to take the warren.", pointed out Bindweed

"I dont care about taking the warren. This is about Bigwig, Hazel and Fiver. They dared to cross me, and I'll make sure they pay.", replied Woundwort

"We'll circle around and head them off!", he decided, breaking into a run


The Watership rabbits cleared a small forest, arriving at a waterfall.

"Are you sure you know where we are?", asked Hawkbit

"Yes, this river feeds the canal near Redstone. We just have to cross it, then move down towards the warren.", replied Bigwig

"er... How do you know all this?", asked Hawkbit

"Hey, one of us does bother to look around in their spare time.", replied Bigwig

"Well in that case, I'm sure you'll tell us how we're supposed to cross the river. It's far too fast to swim.", pointed out Hawkbit

"Hmm... it wasn't so bad last time I was up here. Must be with the rain.", replied Bigwig

"Reminds me of the time...", started Captain Broom

"Let's follow it upstream a bit. It'll be easier to cross further from this waterfall.", decided Bigwig, seeing an excuse to interrupt Captain Broom

Everyone started to follow Bigwig except Primrose. Hazel ran back to join her

"What is it?", he asked

"I can't help worry about Campion. He was so weak. What if...", she replied

"Hey, he'll be fine!", replied Hazel

"But what if Woundwort attacks while we're gone?", asked Primrose

"Woundwort isn't stupid. He'd be able to tell most of us aren't there, so probably wouldn't waste his time attacking the warren. He'd follow our tracks instead.", pointed out Hazel

"Which is another thing. How do we know they aren't on to us?", asked Primrose

"We did our best to hide our tracks. Even if they are following, once we cross the river, they should lose our trail.", replied Hazel

"Anyway, those Efrafans aren't that smart. You're talking about Vervain here. That one can barely find his tail. No doubt he's probably still trying to remember the way.", started Bigwig

"Oh really. Look's like I outsmarted you twice now Bigwig!", shouted Vervain, emerging from the wood

"It's the Efrafans! Run!", shouted Hazel, before Woundwort emerged with some more officers

"There is no running this time Hazel. This time we'll finish you for good.", shouted Woundwort, as the Efrafans surrounded the Watership rabbits

"ATTACK!!!", he continued

Woundwort charged towards Hazel, but soon found his way blocked by Bigwig. As the two locked in combat, the other Watershippers followed suit

"Come here, Vervain. You're mine!", shouted Hawkbit, facing him

"As if I'd be frightened of an outsider!", replied Vervain

"Arghhh! It's the black rabbit!", shouted Hawkbit

"Where! Where?", squealed Vervain, looking behind him

"Idiot!", muttered Hawkbit, charging into the side of the distracted Efrafan captain and sending him crashing to the ground

"Trust him to go after the cowardly one.", gasped Fiver, pinned down by Moss, before Dandelion freed him, knocking Moss sideways

Woundwort drew his claws across Bigwig's face.

"There's none of my Owsla to help you this time Bigwig.", shouted Woundwort

"But I'll deal with you later. Your chief will be the first to fall.", he continued, throwing Bigwig aside as though he weren't even there

"There's too many of them Bigwig.", groaned Gooseberry, managing to push back one officer, moments before another jumped in to take his place

"We have to keep at it!", replied Bigwig, before being leapt on by another of the mark warriors. Within seconds, Bigwig threw him off, but there was instantly another 3 to replace him

Hazel looked around him, before facing Woundwort again

"Stop this Woundwort. Is it really worth it? What is it going to achieve?", he panted, making a last ditch attempt to try and negiotiate peace

Without replying, Woundwort struck Hazel across the face. The force sent him flying backwards, and he collapsed in a heap on the riverbank. Woundwort slowly walked up to where Hazel lay paralysed on the ground.

"Hazel!", shouted Bigwig, catching a brief glimpse of his plight, before being pinned down by Efrafan officers again

"This is for the ultimate glory of Efrafa.", shouted Woundwort, standing up on his hind legs and preparing to strike

"Noooo!!", shouted Primrose, appearing from nowhere, and diving at him

"Primrose!", shouted Hazel, as her and Woundwort tumbled into the river

Hazel grabbed her, as the current tried to pull her over the waterfall. Woundwort held on to her hind legs, causing her to wince at the sheer weight pulling on her

"Somebody help!", shouted Hazel, as he desperately tried to avoid losing his grip on her

"I'm coming! Hold on!", shouted Bigwig

Drawing on all his strength, Bigwig burst free of the group of Efrafans sending them flying in all directions

"It's no good...", screeched Primrose, as Hazel began to lose his grip on them

"... I love you...", she finished, as her paw slipped free from Hazel's

At that moment Bigwig arrived and desperately tried to grab her as she slipped away, but it was too late. Both Primrose and Woundwort disappeared over the edge of the Waterfall.

"Nooooooooo!!!!", shouted Hazel, at which the Efrafan officers froze

"G...G....G...General!", squeaked Vervain running to the riverbank, with Moss and Bindweed

The five rabbits all looked frantically over the edge of the waterfall for signs of life, but saw nothing

There was a moment of silence before Bigwig spoke

"My heart has joined the thousand for my friend stopped running today.", he started, as Hazel remained silent

Mumblings of 'What's going on' and 'He's gone' were heard from nearby. A few of the Efrafan officers began to move back towards the forest.

"Where are you going? Attack!! ATTACK!!!", shouted Vervain, springing back to life

"Hey. You aren't the General! We dont take orders from you. Come on lads!", replied one of the Efrafan officers

He began to move off, and several others followed

"As the highest ranking Efrafan Captain, I automatically take command in these situations. Come back! Come back I say!", ranted Vervain, jumping up and down on the spot

"They er... dont appear to be listening to you mate.", whispered Moss

Vervain sighed as Moss and Bindweed joined the stream of officers leaving

"This isn't over yet!", turning back to shout to Bigwig

"Oh, I think it is Vervain. I think it is!", replied Bigwig


Later, back at the warren

Bigwig was the last to return to the warren. An eery, mournful silence echoed throughout the Honeycomb. He walked in to where Blackberry was slumped next to Campion, who was breathing heavily

"Any change?", he asked

"He still hasn't come round again. I dont think he's going to make it.", sniffed Blackberry

"He'll be fine. I know it.", replied Bigwig

"Look at him. He hasn't eaten properly in months.", started Blackberry, indicating at his ribs showing through his skin

"He was weak and tired, then he had to find his way to the warren. It's just too much. He's going to stop running.", she continued, with a tear in her eye

"We've had enough death today. Frith wouldn't add to that.", sighed Bigwig

"Where is Hazel, anyway?", asked Blackberry

"He's down by the river.", answered Hawkbit, appearing in the burrow

"Still looking for some sign of her. I think he's still in denial. It'll take some time, but hopefully we can all eventually overcome this.", he continued

At that moment Periwinkle appeared

"Wheres mother?", he asked

"er...", started Hawkbit

"She'll be back soon.", interrupted Bigwig, at which Periwinkle ran off cheerfully

"You mean you havent told them yet?", asked Hawkbit

"I thought it would be better coming from their father.", replied Bigwig

"We'd better go and find him, before the elil does.", he continued

"Keep watch over Campion until we get back. And stop worrying. He'll be fine.", finished Bigwig, turning to leave with Hawkbit

"Do you really believe that?", asked Hawkbit, as soon as they were out of Blackberry's earshot

"I dont know, Hawkbit. She's right, in that he's not in good shape, but he's a fighter lad! I guess we'll just have to wait and see.", sighed Bigwig, as they left the silence of the warren


And thats it finished. The first series of 3rd Water comes to an end. But there's so many unanswered questions. What will happen to Campion? What will happen to Hazel? What will happen to Efrafa? And Has everyone forgotten about poor Kehaar? You'll have to wait until the next series to find out. Yes, I'm deliberately mean!

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