3rd Water

Episode 3.11 - Efrafan Spy


The Watership Down series belongs to Alltime and Decode Entertainment. The original characters were the work of Richard Adams, however, many of the characters in the series were changed, and these belong to Alltime/Decode. I am just borrowing the characters for this fansite, and I mean no-one any harm by this. This is supposed to a be virtual third series, and is in no way supposed to detract from the official third series. When I originally planned out my third series, I never knew of the existance of the official third series. As it has never, and doesn't look as though it ever will be, aired in the UK, I decided to write an alternative series, continuing on from where series 2 (The Homecoming) left off. I am in no way connected with any of the companies mentioned above.

All characters are completely fictitious and any resemblance to any persons either living or dead is purely coincidental. If anyone has any problems with this episode, they are advised to contact the webmaster on [email protected].


Writer's notes:

I'm a day early with this episode (Tuesday as opposed to Wednesday), as I'm out-of-town on the Wednesday. It'll be back to it's normal day for the next part. Anyway, there's only 3 more episodes left of this series now. Expect lots more 'To Be Continued' endings coming your way.

In the Honeycomb

Apart from Bigwig and Blackberry, all the Watership rabbits were assembled in the Honeycomb, waiting patiently.

"Where's Blackberry?", asked Hazel

"She's asleep with Pinecone in one of the back burrows.", replied Primrose

"Good.", replied Hazel

"Is it really fair to keep her in the dark, Hazel?", asked Primrose

"It's for her own good. We dont know yet if we'll ever find Campion. I dont want to upset her again.", answered Hazel

"Does anyone remember the time...", started Captain Broom. Hawkbit sighed

"So what exactly are we waiting here for?", he asked Hazel, interrupting the captain

"We're waiting for Bigwig, Kehaar and Hannah to return.", replied Hazel

"Wouldn't it just be easier for us to run off, and have someone stamp when he's back. We could all quickly come back?", asked Hawkbit

"Do you have anything important to do?", asked Pimpernel

Hawkbit stopped dead

"er...", he hesitated

"Fine then. Shut up!", snapped Pimpernel

At that moment Kehaar's shrill call was heard outside

"That sounds like them now anyway, Hawkbit.", finished Hazel, heading for the run

"Well. Any luck finding out what's going on at Efrafa.", he asked, as Bigwig came bounding in

"I couldn't find anything Hazel. That place is as dead as ever.", he started

"That's something at least.", replied Hazel

"But that's only from the outside Hazel. Anything could be going on inside.", continued Bigwig

"The Darkness comes to take us all. If we survive then one will fall.", spoke Dandelion

"That vision. It has to have something to do with Efrafa. It did before.", continued Bigwig

"Why's it come up again now. Fiver doesn't usually have the same vision twice.", sighed Hazel

"The only thing I can think of is that the vision was never fulfilled the first time around. Perhaps there's still someone who has to fall.", continued Fiver

"Which brings us back to Campion again.", said Bigwig

"It's times like this I wish we still had him in Efrafa. With him as ally, we'd have known straight away what Efrafa was planning.", sighed Hazel

"For all we know, he might still be in Efrafa.", replied Primrose, before pausing

"I hope he's alright.", she continued miserably

"Hey, he'll be fine. Even if he is being held in Efrafa, he was an Owsla captain. He can survive there.", replied Hazel

"We need to find a new spy.", shouted Bigwig suddenly, stunning everyone

"Find a new spy? Have you been getting enough sleep recently Biggy?", asked Dandelion

"Hey, what's so crazy about that suggestion?", snorted Bigwig

"We were lucky enough to persuade Campion. After what happened to him, how likely is it we could pull the same stunt off twice.", replied Dandelion

"Seen enough craziness in my time. Do you recall...", started Captain Broom

"He's right. It's a long shot.", continued Hazel

"Hey lads. Efrafa's a big place. There must be loads of rabbits losing faith in the place.", replied Bigwig

"Yes, but would any of them help us?", asked Hazel

"There's only one way to find out.", finished Bigwig, before he was interrupted by Clover

"Shhh. Blackberry's coming!", she shouted

"What's going on? Nobody told me there was a meeting.", started Blackberry, entering the Honeycomb

"er... there isn't.", replied Hazel

"So what's everyone doing here?", she asked

"um.. We were about to have a...er... Bobstones competition. But we changed our minds.", Hazel quickly improvised

"I dont see any stones.", replied Blackberry

"That's why we changed our minds. er... Hawkbit was playing about, and accidentally swallowed them.", he finished

"er... ooooh! I'm dieing! I'm dieing!", groaned Hawkbit, collapsing to the ground kicking, as he picked up on Hazel's story

Blackberry grumbled, and continued walking

"I dont think she believed you.", Primrose whispered to Hazel



Hazel stopped first. The others with him, Hawkbit, Dandelion, Bigwig, Fiver and Primrose, followed his example.

"Well. There it is.", he spoke, indicating towards the dark shape of Efrafa and the gorge outside, on the horizon

"What now?", asked Hawkbit

Hazel paused for a moment, before calling Kehaar

"Fly ahead Kehaar. Make sure the way is clear.", he spoke

"yah. Is good idea. I fly, you stay here.", started Kehaar

"Be back soon.", he continued, before disappearing into the sky

"Make sure the way is clear? You're not telling me we're going in there!", shouted Dandelion

"No, but we'll get as close as we can. The nearer we are, the more chance we have of finding someone.", replied Hazel

"Yes, but the closer we are, the more chance we have of being captured.", continued Fiver

"That isn't going to happen Fiver. Not this time.", replied Hazel

"Oh, and how can you be so sure?", asked Hawkbit

"Hey, if Hazel says we're going to be alright, then we're going to be alright!", shouted Bigwig, as Kehaar came crashing back to the ground

"Is Efrafan patrol to this side.", started Kehaar, raising his left wing, to point towards the Efrafan side of the gorge

"Hmm.... well we dont want to have to take on a patrol today.", started Bigwig

"Bigwig not wanting a fight! What next?", whispered Hawkbit to Dandelion

"But is clear this side.", continued Kehaar, raising the other wing to point towards the opposite side of the gorge

"Fine. We'll take the safer route.", decided Hazel

"Stick to the cover of the bushes, lads.", continued Bigwig

Everyone began to move apart from Primrose. Hazel turned back to speak to her.

"Are you sure you're up to this?", he asked

Primrose paused, before answering

"Yes, I'm fine. Let's go then.", she finished


In Efrafa

"We've searched everywhere General, but I regret that as of yet, we've found nothing.", started Vervain, looking up at Woundwort, who was perched on his platform

"Nothing is not a word I want to hear Captain Vervain!", shouted Woundwort in reply

"We've looked in the woods, in the fields to the far side of the river, and even in the caverns...", started Moss

"...and you mean to tell me, there isn't a single trace of them anywhere? Impossible!", snorted Woundwort, stamping his foot

"Well, in the caverns we did...", started Moss

"Notice there's been no rabbit there for ages! aha!", interrupted Vervain quickly

Woundwort looked suspiciously at Vervain

"Are you hiding something?", he shouted

"M... me. No General! Nothing!", stuttered Vervain

Woundwort jumped down to ground level, and stepped towards Vervain. He raised his paw, but was interrupted by another officer running in

"General! Sentries report seeing the outsider's gull in the area. It could indicate they're nearby!", he shouted

"Vervain, Moss... rally the Owsla. Send them out in small groups to search the area.", shouted Woundwort

Vervain didn't waste any time turning to leave. Before he managed, however, Woundwort grabbed him.

"And Vervain, if I find out you've been lying to me...", he started, before smashing a nearby tree root with his front paw


Opposite Efrafa

The Watership rabbits lay crouched in the bushes at the opposite side of the gorge outside of Efrafa, whilst Kehaar remained perched in a nearby tree, watching as various rabbits entered and left

"I dont like being back here, Hazel.", shivered Primrose

"I know. But we need your help. You're the only one who knows some of the rabbits here.", replied Hazel

"Well, here come some now. Are there any you think could help?", asked Bigwig, as Moss and Vervain came out of Efrafa with 2 other officers

"Well there's Vervain. I dont think we need to think that one over much!", started Hawkbit

"Well, what about the white rabbit?", asked Hazel

"That's Corporal Moss. He's a kind rabbit...", started Primrose

"But do you think he'd help?", asked Bigwig

Primrose paused, before sighing

"I doubt it. He's too loyal to Efrafa.", she replied

"What about the others?", asked Bigwig

"None of them stand out as something special. Besides which, they're all too low ranking to know anything.", replied Primrose

"Well, let's wait and see who else comes out.", finished Hazel


Back at the Down

"I'm bored.", moaned Pipkin

"Again!", muttered Gooseberry quietly

"They never let me go on any of the missions into Efrafa any more.", sighed Pipkin

"Well, I'm sure they will soon enough.", replied Gooseberry

"In the meantime, why dont you take on the important mission of keeping the babies quiet.", he finished, as Pimpernel and Bushthorn came running across the down

Pipkin sighed at Gooseberry's patronising tone of voice

"That's not a proper mission like Hazel and the others get to go on.", he spoke, not noticing Blackberry appearing behind him

"Misson? What Mission?", she asked

"er....", started Gooesberry

"Um...", continued Pipkin

Blackberry looked at them suspiciously

"Well?", waited Blackberry

"They've gone to raid the farm.", replied Gooseberry eventually

"Odd. No one told me about it.", replied Blackberry

"It's a surprise raid!", continued Gooseberry

"They're bringing back lots of Flayrah, but we didn't want the little ones to find out. You know what they're like when they're excited.", finished Pipkin

"In fact, let's go and see if we can find them.", decided Gooseberry

"But...", started Blackberry, as Pipkin and Gooseberry disappeared over the edge of the down

"There's definitely something going on.", Blackberry sighed to herself


Outside of Efrafa, late afternoon

"That's Bindweed.", started Primrose, as another Efrafan came out into the open

"A nasty character. Used to beat members of his mark daily to relieve boredom.", she continued

"Sounds a bit like a certain Bigwig we know!", muttered Hawkbit. Unfortunately Bigwig heard him, and gave him a 'you're going to get a cuffing later' stare

"Shh! Vervain's back!", interrupted Hazel

"And there's Woundwort. Perhaps its time we left.", continued Dandelion, as Woundwort appeared in the open

"Lets wait a little longer. We may be able to hear what they're planning.", whispered Hazel

"We've searched the area, and there's no sign of them.", started Vervain

"Hasn't searched very far, has he?", whispered Bigwig

An angry expression spread across Woundwort's face

"In that case, resume the wide patrols. Until we find the warren, we cant launch an attack.", started Woundwort

"As you wish, General.", replied Vervain, turning to leave

"Oh, and Vervain.", started Woundwort, sending the usual shiver down Vervain's spine

"Take an away team to the caverns. See if you can find another way around that blocked passage.", he finished

"Th...The Caverns. Yes, I'll get Moss onto that right away General. He knows his way around there better than anyone.", finished Vervain, desperately trying to avoid having to go back underground himself

Woundwort looked suspiciously at Vervain. Vervain didn't meet the General's stare, choosing to move away quickly instead.

"Looks like there's nothing to worry about Hazel. They still dont know where the warren is, and they're not getting any nearer to finding it.", whispered Primrose

"Which still doesn't explain the vision though.", sighed Fiver

"We'll have to worry about that later. As soon as they've gone back inside, we may as well get back to Watership Down.", finished Hazel

"You mean we're giving up on trying to find a new ally?", asked Bigwig

"We've been here for ages Bigwig, and found nothing. We're just going to have to face facts. We're never going to find another rabbit anything like Campion!", replied Hazel

"I suppose you're right. Look, They're going back inside. Come on, let's go home.", finished Bigwig

"Everyone move slowly, and stay down low. We dont want...", started Bigwig, before he was interrupted by Moss shouting from nearby

"Outsiders! In the bushes!", he shouted

"Run! Now!", shouted Bigwig, at which everyone sprung up

"Get after them!", shouted Woundwort, reappearing at the entrance to Efrafa

"Kehaar, see what you can do to slow them down.", shouted Hazel as the Efrafans gave chase

Kehaar flew at the officers, as the rabbits continued to run

"They're gaining on us Hazel.", shouted Fiver, looking over his shoulder

"Kehaar should keep them busy.", replied Hazel

"He is. But he can only slow down a few of them Hazel. Frith knows how many are after us.", continued Fiver

"Well, just keep running. Once we get down to the river, we should be able to lose them.", finished Hazel

"They're heading for the River, general.", shouted Vervain, as he ran alongside Woundwort

"Bindweed's down there with a patrol. They should be able to head them off.", replied Moss

"There's the river.", shouted Hazel

"Dive in and let it carry you as far downstream as possible. Get out into cover as soon as possible.", continued Bigwig

As they neared the river, however, Bindweed's patrol blocked their path.

"Now what?", shouted Hawkbit

"This way!", replied Bigwig, turning to his side, but finding the way blocked by another patrol

"We're surrounded!", shouted Hazel, as Kehaar flew overhead

"As soon as I clear a path, head for the river.", shouted Bigwig

"You're not going to do something stupid are you?", replied Hazel

"Just do it!", replied Bigwig

"Kehaar, help me!", he continued

"Yah, do what?", replied Kehaar

"Attack the patrol straight ahead!", shouted Bigwig

"Kehaar can't knock down all 4 of them!", pointed out Hazel

"I didn't say he was going to. Just be ready to run!", replied Bigwig, charging at the patrol himself

"He's crazy. He really is!", shouted Dandelion

"Come on then.", replied Hazel

As Kehaar attacked Bindweed, Bigwig charged and pinned down another 3 officers as though they weren't even there. Hazel and the others jumped over the mass of fallen rabbits.

"Go now!", Bigwig shouted, as Hazel turned back in hesitation

"No, not without you.", he replied, as the 3 officers tried in vain to struggle to their feet

"I'll be fine. Just get into the river!", replied Bigwig

Hazel paused for a minute, before following Bigwig's advice. As he splashed into the water, he looked back over his shoulder, just in time to see Moss and Vervain grab Bigwig, whilst another two Efrafans waved their front paws blindly at Kehaar

"Get moving now!", shouted Hazel

"What about Bigwig?", asked Fiver

"We don't have any choice!", replied Hazel, as the current carried them downstream

Woundwort ran to the water's edge, just in time to see Hazel disappear round a meander in the river. He stamped his foot angrilly, before marching back up to Bindweed. Vervain smiled

"For once it's not me who's in trouble!", he whispered to Moss

"How could you let them get past you!", Woundwort shouted at Bindweed, striking him across the face

"General. Not everything's lost. We still have this one.", interrupted Moss, as Bigwig struggled in vain, under the control of 5 officers

"Ah yes. If it isn't old Bigwig.", started Woundwort

He walked up to Bigwig and stared deep into his eyes.

"Welcome home....", he finished, with a low, sinister voice


No doubt I'm now going to get cuffed in the guestbook for finishing it with one of those 'to be continued' thingys, but it had to be done. I dont think the episode came out too bad, considering I've had one day less to write it! Now, I really think I need to go and find some more names for Efrafan officers, before the next episode. =;)

Thoughts and Opinions always welcome =:) - Guestbook / email


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